Page 170 - Polona Kelava, Neformalno učenje? Kaj je to? Dissertationes 24, Digitalna knjižnica, Pedagoški inštitut 2013
P. 170
Neformalno učenje? Kaj je to?


In contemporary society we are faced with new ways of information transfer practi-
cally in all spheres of life. New media, with their sudden nearly indispensable presen-
ce, influence the attitude of younger and older generations towards reality in their
own specific way, sometimes even in an alienated way. However, it needs to be ad-
mitted that the advanced educational technology brings freshness, because it can, if
used in a responsible and deliberate way, enrich, enhance and simplify teaching and
informative, motivational and other endeavours of teachers. It can also improve aca-
demic results of students. However, the following problem arises: are teachers in
the field of non-formal education well-equipped for the race with multimedia com-
munications and their effects, which students notice more and more, are they well-
equipp­ ed for encounters with the topic, which is underresearched? And also: is it
not that some educators remain convinced that they should stick to classical appro­
aches and avoid multimedia effects as much as possible? Thus we encounter many
not adequately researched questions on what these dilemmas mean for the quality of
the didactic implementation on the teacher-student level. These open questions cau-
se a lot of discomfort to teachers. Due to these dilemmas it is important to revise the
basis and ethics of professional performance and endeavours in the field of non-for-
mal learning and this is the theme of the present article. Namely, teachers of vulnera-
ble groups cannot rely merely on their previous experience, despite the fact that they
have many such experiences and many of them have taught members of vulnerable
groups for years. Due to the current societal changes, the needs of participants are
changing drastically and quickly, and all the time. The latter calls for teachers – and
educational institutions, which implement non-formal programmes – to rethink in-
dividual and institutional professional excellence.
Key words: professional excellence, professional development of teachers, a career,
adult education, vulnerable adults

Sodobni učitelj mora imeti vrsto kompetenc, ki jih v preteklosti ta
poklic ni poznal; večje novosti, ki jih nakazujejo različni nabori
(cf. Skupna evropska načela za kompetence in kvalifikacije učite-
ljev ..., 2006), so na primer globalna razsežnost, vloga posameznika kot
državljana Evropske unije, pozitiven odnos do kulturne in narodnostne
raznolikosti, mobilnost, etična drža v družbi informacij in pri upora-
bi znanja, obvladovanje izobraževalno-komunikacijske tehnologije in
poznavanje ter zmožnost uporabe številnih novih omrežij informacij.
Koncept globalnega izobraževanja, ki je osredotočeno na krepitev civil-
ne družbe, v svoji srži želi prispevati k razvoju kritičnega mišljenja in iz-
zivati stereotipe ter voditi k zmanjševanju diskriminacije (cf. Smernice
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