Page 148 - Vesna Pobežin (ur.), Drugo pedagoškega diskurza, Dissertationes 23, Digitalna knjižnica, Pedagoški inštitut 2013
P. 148
Drugo pedagoškega diskurza
This paper will show how post-industrial consumer society and changes in the soci-
alization process of individuals influence the growth of individuals’ narcissist featu-
res. The decline of parental authority and discipline favoured permissive educational
techniques within the family as well as school socialization and education. In the pa-
per, the data gathered through participant-observation in schools will be used and
interviews with pedagogical workers will be analysed to establish how the school as
the key institution of cultural transmission shapes narcissistic culture by favouring
the permissive educational praxis. This paper will expectedly show that the chan-
ges in the educational system highlighted the permissiveness (manifested as a wider
choice of subjects, less repressive evaluation methods, less strict advancement crite-
ria, teaching methods designed on an active and independent pupil’s participation,
more democratic relations between pupils and teachers, practicing alternative puni-
shments and a therapeutic approach instead of the restrictive one). The paper leads
to a conclusion that school is the key institution and the instrument of a capitalist so-
ciety, which socializes and educates individuals for the consumer society. The erosi-
on of the teacher’s authority due to parents’ interference in the teachers’ professional
work, and the increased use of the therapeutic approach strengthen the permissive-
ness in school education. With the inconsistency of punishment as well as emphasi-
zing the importance of grading, our school system indirectly strengthens the nar-
cissism of individuals and prepares them for life in a narcissistic, consumer society.
Key words: narcissism, narcissistic society, consumer society, permissive education,
Vprispevku bomo predstavili narcisizem kot funkcionalno oseb-
nostno obliko potrošniškega kapitalizma. Analizirali bomo
vpliv družbenega okolja na formiranje narcisizma kot »družbe-
no nujne forme subjektivnosti« v postindustrijski potrošniški družbi,
če uporabimo Žižkove (1985) besede ob njegovi interpretaciji Lasche-
ve (1979) »Kulture narcisizma«, ki nam bo predstavljala teoretsko iz-
Na začetku bomo izpostavili spremembe v socializaciji posamezni-
kov v potrošniški družbi, ki so z zatonom starševske avtoritete in klasič-
no dojete discipline favorizirale permisivne vzgojne tehnike v družinski
in šolski vzgoji ter socializaciji nasploh in posledično vplivale na porast
narcisističnih lastnosti pri posameznikih.
V nadaljevanju bomo predstavili uvajanje permisivnih trendov v šol-
ski sistem sodobne potrošniške družbe ter izpostavili porast narcisizma
kot produkta permisivne vzgoje.
This paper will show how post-industrial consumer society and changes in the soci-
alization process of individuals influence the growth of individuals’ narcissist featu-
res. The decline of parental authority and discipline favoured permissive educational
techniques within the family as well as school socialization and education. In the pa-
per, the data gathered through participant-observation in schools will be used and
interviews with pedagogical workers will be analysed to establish how the school as
the key institution of cultural transmission shapes narcissistic culture by favouring
the permissive educational praxis. This paper will expectedly show that the chan-
ges in the educational system highlighted the permissiveness (manifested as a wider
choice of subjects, less repressive evaluation methods, less strict advancement crite-
ria, teaching methods designed on an active and independent pupil’s participation,
more democratic relations between pupils and teachers, practicing alternative puni-
shments and a therapeutic approach instead of the restrictive one). The paper leads
to a conclusion that school is the key institution and the instrument of a capitalist so-
ciety, which socializes and educates individuals for the consumer society. The erosi-
on of the teacher’s authority due to parents’ interference in the teachers’ professional
work, and the increased use of the therapeutic approach strengthen the permissive-
ness in school education. With the inconsistency of punishment as well as emphasi-
zing the importance of grading, our school system indirectly strengthens the nar-
cissism of individuals and prepares them for life in a narcissistic, consumer society.
Key words: narcissism, narcissistic society, consumer society, permissive education,
Vprispevku bomo predstavili narcisizem kot funkcionalno oseb-
nostno obliko potrošniškega kapitalizma. Analizirali bomo
vpliv družbenega okolja na formiranje narcisizma kot »družbe-
no nujne forme subjektivnosti« v postindustrijski potrošniški družbi,
če uporabimo Žižkove (1985) besede ob njegovi interpretaciji Lasche-
ve (1979) »Kulture narcisizma«, ki nam bo predstavljala teoretsko iz-
Na začetku bomo izpostavili spremembe v socializaciji posamezni-
kov v potrošniški družbi, ki so z zatonom starševske avtoritete in klasič-
no dojete discipline favorizirale permisivne vzgojne tehnike v družinski
in šolski vzgoji ter socializaciji nasploh in posledično vplivale na porast
narcisističnih lastnosti pri posameznikih.
V nadaljevanju bomo predstavili uvajanje permisivnih trendov v šol-
ski sistem sodobne potrošniške družbe ter izpostavili porast narcisizma
kot produkta permisivne vzgoje.