Page 131 - Vesna Pobežin (ur.), Drugo pedagoškega diskurza, Dissertationes 23, Digitalna knjižnica, Pedagoški inštitut 2013
P. 131
soočenje idej o visokem šolstvu v evropi: diskurzi,
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Power of Ideas and Discourse. Annual review of Political Science,
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Schmidt, V. A. (2010). Takng ideas and discourse seriously: explaining
change through discursive institutionalism as the fourth ‘new insti-
tutionalism’. European Political cience Review, 2/1, 1–25.
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tative Discourse Analysis in the Social Sciences. New York: Palgra-
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košolskega prostora, Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta, Center za študij
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Scherrer, C. (2005). GATS: Long-term Strategy for the Commodifica-
tion of Education. Review of International Political Economy, 12/3,
Schmidt, V. A. (2008). Discursive Institutionalism: The Explanatory
Power of Ideas and Discourse. Annual review of Political Science,
/11, 303–326.
Schmidt, V. A. (2010). Takng ideas and discourse seriously: explaining
change through discursive institutionalism as the fourth ‘new insti-
tutionalism’. European Political cience Review, 2/1, 1–25.
Wodak, R. (2008). Introduction: Discourse Studies – Important Con-
cepts and Terms. V: Wodak, R. in Krzyzanovski, M. (ur.). Quali-
tative Discourse Analysis in the Social Sciences. New York: Palgra-
ve Macmillan.
Zgaga, P. (2004). Bolonjski proces: oblikovanje skupnega evropskega viso-
košolskega prostora, Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta, Center za študij
edukacijskih strategij.
Bergenski komunike (2005).
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nique1.pdf (17. 10. 2010)
Berlinski komunike (2003).
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Bolonjska deklaracija (1999).
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TION1.pdf (11. 10. 2010)
Council of Europe (2007). Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)6 of the
Committee of Ministers to member states on the public responsibility
for higher education and research.
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European Commission (2003). The role of the universities in the
Europe of knowledge. (February) Communication (COM
(2003) 58).
do?uri=COM:2003:0058:FIN:en:pdf (21. 5. 2012)
European Commission (2005). Mobilising the brainpower of Euro-
pe: enabling universities to make their full contribution to the Lis-
bon Strategy. (April) Communication (COM (2005) 152). http://