Page 130 - Vesna Pobežin (ur.), Drugo pedagoškega diskurza, Dissertationes 23, Digitalna knjižnica, Pedagoški inštitut 2013
P. 130
Drugo pedagoškega diskurza
Harvey, D. (2005). A Brief History of Neoliberalism, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Hill, D. (2007). Educational Perversion and Global Neoliberalism. V:
Ross, E. W. in Gibson, R. (ur.). Neoliberalism and Education Re-
form. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Jessop, B. (2008). The cultural political economy of the knowledge-ba-
sed economy and its implications for higher education. V: Jessop, B.,
Fairclough, N. in Wodak, R. (ur.). Education and the knowledge ba-
sed economy in Europe. Rotterdam: Sense, 13–40.
Lažetić, P. (2010). Managing the Bologna Process at the European Le-
vel: institution and actor dynamics. European Journal of Educati-
on, 45/4, 549–562.
McNay, I. (2006). Delivering Mass Higher Education – The Reality of
Policy in Practice. V: McNay, I. (ur.). Beyond Mass Higher Educati-
on. Maidenhead, New York: Open University press.
Melo, S. (2010). Council of Europe: Mobilising Democratic Values for a
European/Global Higher Education Governance Model. CIES Con-
ference 2010, Chicago.
Morley, L. (2003). Quality and Power in Higher Education, Berkshi-
re: Society for research into Higher Education & Open Universi-
ty Press.
Naidoo, R. in Jamieson, I. (2005). Knowledge in the marketplace: The
global commodification of teaching and learning. V: Ninnes, P. and
Hellsten, M., (ur.) Internationalizing Higher Education: Critical
Explorations of Pedagogy and Policy. Dordrecht: Springer/CERC,
Nokkala, T. (2007). Constructing the Ideal University – The internatio-
nalisation of higher education in the comparative knowledge society,
Tampere: Tampere University Press.
Ravinet, P. (2008). From Voluntary Participation to Monitored Coor-
dination: why European countries feel increasingly bound by their
commitment to the Bologna Process. European Journal of Educati-
on, 43/3, 353–367.
Robertson, S. (2008). Embracing the global: crisis and the creation of a
new semiotic order to secure Europe’s knowledge-based economy.
V: Jessop, B., Fairclough, N. in Wodak, R. (ur.). Education and the
knowledge based economy in Europe. Rotterdam: Sense, 89–108.
Robertson, S. in Verger, A. (2008). GATS, TRIPS and higher educa-
tion: projects, politics and prospects. http://globalhighered.word-
Harvey, D. (2005). A Brief History of Neoliberalism, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Hill, D. (2007). Educational Perversion and Global Neoliberalism. V:
Ross, E. W. in Gibson, R. (ur.). Neoliberalism and Education Re-
form. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Jessop, B. (2008). The cultural political economy of the knowledge-ba-
sed economy and its implications for higher education. V: Jessop, B.,
Fairclough, N. in Wodak, R. (ur.). Education and the knowledge ba-
sed economy in Europe. Rotterdam: Sense, 13–40.
Lažetić, P. (2010). Managing the Bologna Process at the European Le-
vel: institution and actor dynamics. European Journal of Educati-
on, 45/4, 549–562.
McNay, I. (2006). Delivering Mass Higher Education – The Reality of
Policy in Practice. V: McNay, I. (ur.). Beyond Mass Higher Educati-
on. Maidenhead, New York: Open University press.
Melo, S. (2010). Council of Europe: Mobilising Democratic Values for a
European/Global Higher Education Governance Model. CIES Con-
ference 2010, Chicago.
Morley, L. (2003). Quality and Power in Higher Education, Berkshi-
re: Society for research into Higher Education & Open Universi-
ty Press.
Naidoo, R. in Jamieson, I. (2005). Knowledge in the marketplace: The
global commodification of teaching and learning. V: Ninnes, P. and
Hellsten, M., (ur.) Internationalizing Higher Education: Critical
Explorations of Pedagogy and Policy. Dordrecht: Springer/CERC,
Nokkala, T. (2007). Constructing the Ideal University – The internatio-
nalisation of higher education in the comparative knowledge society,
Tampere: Tampere University Press.
Ravinet, P. (2008). From Voluntary Participation to Monitored Coor-
dination: why European countries feel increasingly bound by their
commitment to the Bologna Process. European Journal of Educati-
on, 43/3, 353–367.
Robertson, S. (2008). Embracing the global: crisis and the creation of a
new semiotic order to secure Europe’s knowledge-based economy.
V: Jessop, B., Fairclough, N. in Wodak, R. (ur.). Education and the
knowledge based economy in Europe. Rotterdam: Sense, 89–108.
Robertson, S. in Verger, A. (2008). GATS, TRIPS and higher educa-
tion: projects, politics and prospects. http://globalhighered.word-