Page 138 - Valerija Vendramin in Renata Šribar, Spoli, seksualnost in nasilje skozi nove medije, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 11
P. 138
Spoli, seksualnost in nasilje skozi nove medije
no usposabljanje strokovnih delavcev v vzgoji in izobraževanju v letih
2008/2011 na področju socialnih in državljanskih kompetenc, temat-
ski sklop Prepoznavanje in preprečevanje nasilja, januar–avgust, Peda-
goška fakulteta, Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport RS.
Šribar, R., in Ule, M. (2008). Status and Social Opportunities of the Girl
Child: Expert Study, Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of So-
cial Sciences.
Verčkovnik, T., et al. (2002). Biologija. Učni načrt: program osnovnošolske-
ga izobraževanja, Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport,
Zavod RS za šolstvo.
Vrdlovec, Z. (2007). »Snuff« civilizacija. Dnevnik, 13. 1. 2007.
Adams, M., Bell, L., in Griffin, P. (2007) (ur.). Teaching for Diversity and
Social Justice, Taylor & Francis.
Alldred, P., in David, M. E. (2007). Get Real About Sex: The Politics and
Practice of Sex Education, Buckingham: Open University Press.
Allen, L. (2004). Beyond the Birds and the Bees: Constituting a Discour-
se of Erotics in Sexuality Education. Gender and Education, XVI/2,
Allen, L. (2008). Poles Apart? Gender Differences in Proposals for Sexua-
lity Education Content. Gender and Education, XX/5, 435–450.
Anderson, A. C., Gentile, A. D., Buckley, E. K. (2006). Violent Video
Game Effects on Children and Adolescents, Oxford in New York: Ox-
ford University Press.
Anderson, E. (1995). Feminist Epistemology: An Interpretation and a De-
fense. Hypatia, X/3, 50–84.
Annandale, E. (2008). Women‘s Health and Social Change, New York in
London: Routledge.
Antić Gaber, M. (2007). Poklicne kariere slovenskih političark. V: Sed-
mak, M., in Medarič, Z. (ur.). Med javnim in zasebnim: Ženske na trgu
dela, Koper: Založba Annales, 111–130.
Anyon, J. (1983). Intersections of Gender and Class: Accommodation and
Resistance by Working-Class and Affluent Females to Contradictory
Sex-Role Ideologies. V: Barton, L., in Walker, S. (ur.). Gender, Class,
and Education, Sussex, England: Palmer Press, 19–38.
no usposabljanje strokovnih delavcev v vzgoji in izobraževanju v letih
2008/2011 na področju socialnih in državljanskih kompetenc, temat-
ski sklop Prepoznavanje in preprečevanje nasilja, januar–avgust, Peda-
goška fakulteta, Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport RS.
Šribar, R., in Ule, M. (2008). Status and Social Opportunities of the Girl
Child: Expert Study, Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of So-
cial Sciences.
Verčkovnik, T., et al. (2002). Biologija. Učni načrt: program osnovnošolske-
ga izobraževanja, Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport,
Zavod RS za šolstvo.
Vrdlovec, Z. (2007). »Snuff« civilizacija. Dnevnik, 13. 1. 2007.
Adams, M., Bell, L., in Griffin, P. (2007) (ur.). Teaching for Diversity and
Social Justice, Taylor & Francis.
Alldred, P., in David, M. E. (2007). Get Real About Sex: The Politics and
Practice of Sex Education, Buckingham: Open University Press.
Allen, L. (2004). Beyond the Birds and the Bees: Constituting a Discour-
se of Erotics in Sexuality Education. Gender and Education, XVI/2,
Allen, L. (2008). Poles Apart? Gender Differences in Proposals for Sexua-
lity Education Content. Gender and Education, XX/5, 435–450.
Anderson, A. C., Gentile, A. D., Buckley, E. K. (2006). Violent Video
Game Effects on Children and Adolescents, Oxford in New York: Ox-
ford University Press.
Anderson, E. (1995). Feminist Epistemology: An Interpretation and a De-
fense. Hypatia, X/3, 50–84.
Annandale, E. (2008). Women‘s Health and Social Change, New York in
London: Routledge.
Antić Gaber, M. (2007). Poklicne kariere slovenskih političark. V: Sed-
mak, M., in Medarič, Z. (ur.). Med javnim in zasebnim: Ženske na trgu
dela, Koper: Založba Annales, 111–130.
Anyon, J. (1983). Intersections of Gender and Class: Accommodation and
Resistance by Working-Class and Affluent Females to Contradictory
Sex-Role Ideologies. V: Barton, L., in Walker, S. (ur.). Gender, Class,
and Education, Sussex, England: Palmer Press, 19–38.