Page 140 - Valerija Vendramin in Renata Šribar, Spoli, seksualnost in nasilje skozi nove medije, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 11
P. 140
Spoli, seksualnost in nasilje skozi nove medije
Braidotti, R. (1996). Patterns of Dissonance: A Study of Women in Contem-
porary Philosophy, Cambridge in Oxford: Polity Press.
Braidotti, R. (2002). Identity, Subjectivity and Difference: A Critical Ge-
nealogy. V: Griffin, G., in Braidotti, R. (ur.). Thinking Differently: A
Reader in European Women‘s Studies. London in New York: Zed Bo-
Brcar, P. (2005). Zdravje otrok, mladostnikov in mladostnic. V: Črnak
Meglič, A. (ur.). Otroci in mladina v prehodni družbi. Ljubljana: Mini-
strstvo za šolstvo in šport, Aristej.
Brooks, A. (1997). Postfeminisms. Feminism, Cultural Theory and Cultural
Forms, London in New York: Routledge.
Brown, B. (1981). A Feminist Interest in Pornography – Some Modest Pro-
posals«. m/f, 5-6, 5–18.
Browning, L. D. (2007) (ur.). Adolescent Identities, New York in London:
Buckingham, D. (2000). After the Death of Childhood. Growing Up in the
Age of Electronic Media, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Butler, J. (2001). Težave s spolom: feminizem in subverzija identitete, Lju-
bljana: Škuc.
Campbell, K. (2004a). The Promise of Feminist Reflexivities: Develo-
ping Donna Haraway‘s Project for Feminist Science Studies. Hypatia,
IXX/1, 162–182.
Campbell, K. (2004b). Jacques Lacan and Feminist Epistemology. Routled-
ge: London in New York.
Check, J. V. P. (2001). The Effect of Violent Pornography, Nonviolent De-
humanizing Pornography, and Erotica: Some Legal Implications from
a Canadian Perspective. V: Itzin, C. (ur.). Pornography: Women, Vi-
olence and Civil Liberties, Oxford in New York: Oxford University
Press, 350–358.
Connel, R. (2003). Masculinities, Change, and Conflict in Global Socie-
ty: Thinking about the Future of Men‘s Studies. The Journal of Man‘s
Studies, XI/3, 249–266.
Coppock, V., Haydon, D., in Richter, I. (1995). The Illusions of »Post-Femi-
nism«. New Women, Old Myths, Abingdon: Taylor and Francis.
Currie, D. H. (1992). Subject-ivity in the Classroom: Feminism Meets the
Academe. Canadian Journal of Education, XVII/3, 341–364.
Braidotti, R. (1996). Patterns of Dissonance: A Study of Women in Contem-
porary Philosophy, Cambridge in Oxford: Polity Press.
Braidotti, R. (2002). Identity, Subjectivity and Difference: A Critical Ge-
nealogy. V: Griffin, G., in Braidotti, R. (ur.). Thinking Differently: A
Reader in European Women‘s Studies. London in New York: Zed Bo-
Brcar, P. (2005). Zdravje otrok, mladostnikov in mladostnic. V: Črnak
Meglič, A. (ur.). Otroci in mladina v prehodni družbi. Ljubljana: Mini-
strstvo za šolstvo in šport, Aristej.
Brooks, A. (1997). Postfeminisms. Feminism, Cultural Theory and Cultural
Forms, London in New York: Routledge.
Brown, B. (1981). A Feminist Interest in Pornography – Some Modest Pro-
posals«. m/f, 5-6, 5–18.
Browning, L. D. (2007) (ur.). Adolescent Identities, New York in London:
Buckingham, D. (2000). After the Death of Childhood. Growing Up in the
Age of Electronic Media, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Butler, J. (2001). Težave s spolom: feminizem in subverzija identitete, Lju-
bljana: Škuc.
Campbell, K. (2004a). The Promise of Feminist Reflexivities: Develo-
ping Donna Haraway‘s Project for Feminist Science Studies. Hypatia,
IXX/1, 162–182.
Campbell, K. (2004b). Jacques Lacan and Feminist Epistemology. Routled-
ge: London in New York.
Check, J. V. P. (2001). The Effect of Violent Pornography, Nonviolent De-
humanizing Pornography, and Erotica: Some Legal Implications from
a Canadian Perspective. V: Itzin, C. (ur.). Pornography: Women, Vi-
olence and Civil Liberties, Oxford in New York: Oxford University
Press, 350–358.
Connel, R. (2003). Masculinities, Change, and Conflict in Global Socie-
ty: Thinking about the Future of Men‘s Studies. The Journal of Man‘s
Studies, XI/3, 249–266.
Coppock, V., Haydon, D., in Richter, I. (1995). The Illusions of »Post-Femi-
nism«. New Women, Old Myths, Abingdon: Taylor and Francis.
Currie, D. H. (1992). Subject-ivity in the Classroom: Feminism Meets the
Academe. Canadian Journal of Education, XVII/3, 341–364.