Page 143 - Valerija Vendramin in Renata Šribar, Spoli, seksualnost in nasilje skozi nove medije, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 11
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Viri in literatura
Haraway, D. (1999). Opice, kiborgi in ženske. Reinvencija narave, Ljublja-
na: Študentska založba.
Harding, S. (1987) (ur.). Feminism and Methodology, Bloomington: Indi-
ana University Press.
Harding, S. (1991). Whose Science? Whose Knowledge?: Thinking from
Women‘s Lives, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Hasebrink, U., Livingstone, S., in Haddon, L. (2008). Comparing
Children’s Online Opportunities and Risks Across Europe: Cross-Natio-
nal Comparisons for EU Kids Online, London: EU Kids Online.
Hesse-Biber, Sh. N., in Yaiser, M. L. (2004) (ur.). Feminist Perspectives on
Social Research, New York in Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hite, S. (2006). The Shere Hite Reader: New and Selected Writings on Sex,
Globalization and Private Life, New York, London, Toronto in South
Yarra: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hubbard, R. (1988). Science, Facts, and Feminism. Hypatia, 1, 5–17.
Itzin, C. (2001a). Pornography and the Social Construction of Sexual
Inequality. V: Itzin, C. (ur.). Pornography. Women, Violence and Civil
Liberties, Oxford in New York: Oxford University Press, 57–75.
Itzin, C. (2001b). A Legal Definition of Pornography. V: Itzin, C. (ur.). Por-
nography: Women, Violence and Civil Liberties, Oxford in New York:
Oxford University Press, 435–455.
Jackson, Ph. W. (1968). Life in Classrooms, New York: Holt, Rinehart and
Jackson, S. (1997). Crossing Borders and Changing Pedagogies: From Gi-
roux and Freire to Feminist Theories of Education. Gender and Educa-
tion, IX/4, 457–467.
Jameson, F. (1992). Signatures of the Visible, New York & London: Routledge.
Jameson, F. (2001). Postmodernizem, Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psi-
Jeriček Klanšček, H., Lavtar, D., Pokrajac, T. (2007). Z zdravjem povezano
vedenje v šolskem obdobju: HBSC Slovenija 2006, Ljubljana: Inštitut za
varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije.
Johnson, A., in Whitty, M. (2008). Truth, Lies and Trust on the Internet,
New York in London: Routledge.
Kellogg, C., Translating Deconstruction. Cultural Values, V/3, 325–348.
Haraway, D. (1999). Opice, kiborgi in ženske. Reinvencija narave, Ljublja-
na: Študentska založba.
Harding, S. (1987) (ur.). Feminism and Methodology, Bloomington: Indi-
ana University Press.
Harding, S. (1991). Whose Science? Whose Knowledge?: Thinking from
Women‘s Lives, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Hasebrink, U., Livingstone, S., in Haddon, L. (2008). Comparing
Children’s Online Opportunities and Risks Across Europe: Cross-Natio-
nal Comparisons for EU Kids Online, London: EU Kids Online.
Hesse-Biber, Sh. N., in Yaiser, M. L. (2004) (ur.). Feminist Perspectives on
Social Research, New York in Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hite, S. (2006). The Shere Hite Reader: New and Selected Writings on Sex,
Globalization and Private Life, New York, London, Toronto in South
Yarra: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hubbard, R. (1988). Science, Facts, and Feminism. Hypatia, 1, 5–17.
Itzin, C. (2001a). Pornography and the Social Construction of Sexual
Inequality. V: Itzin, C. (ur.). Pornography. Women, Violence and Civil
Liberties, Oxford in New York: Oxford University Press, 57–75.
Itzin, C. (2001b). A Legal Definition of Pornography. V: Itzin, C. (ur.). Por-
nography: Women, Violence and Civil Liberties, Oxford in New York:
Oxford University Press, 435–455.
Jackson, Ph. W. (1968). Life in Classrooms, New York: Holt, Rinehart and
Jackson, S. (1997). Crossing Borders and Changing Pedagogies: From Gi-
roux and Freire to Feminist Theories of Education. Gender and Educa-
tion, IX/4, 457–467.
Jameson, F. (1992). Signatures of the Visible, New York & London: Routledge.
Jameson, F. (2001). Postmodernizem, Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psi-
Jeriček Klanšček, H., Lavtar, D., Pokrajac, T. (2007). Z zdravjem povezano
vedenje v šolskem obdobju: HBSC Slovenija 2006, Ljubljana: Inštitut za
varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije.
Johnson, A., in Whitty, M. (2008). Truth, Lies and Trust on the Internet,
New York in London: Routledge.
Kellogg, C., Translating Deconstruction. Cultural Values, V/3, 325–348.