Page 135 - Valerija Vendramin in Renata Šribar, Spoli, seksualnost in nasilje skozi nove medije, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 11
P. 135
The book discusses, sets out the problems regarding, and proposes
starting points for discussion and regulation of the construction of
(porno)sexuality and violence in the media, particularly in the contents of
information and communications technology (ICT) products and servi-
ces, i.e. new media. We investigate our subject through discourse analysis,
through which it is defined in public and in the education process (media,
legislative and regulatory, public-opinion, educational, popular medicine
and popular social-psychology discourse). Our research utilised tools and
findings from various scientific fields and disciplines, as the topic is com-
plex and associated with many aspects of social life.
We adopted feminist epistemology as the basic theoretical framework,
as a project that attempts to explain the connection between the construc-
tion of knowledge and social and political interests. The emphasis here is
on gender as a main category in discussion and reconstruction of epistemo-
logical practices, norms and ideals. In addition, feminist approach to epis-
temology tends to emphasise the ways in which knowers are particular and
concrete (rather than abstract and universalizable). Feminist epistemolo-
gies take seriously the ways in which knowers are enmeshed in social rela-
tions that are generally hierarchical and historically and culturally specific.
We primarily attempted to explain the epistemological dimension of the
phenomenon and to formulate modern concepts for dealing with it. The
interdisciplinary approach is also supported by the applied intent of the
project, which is to establish the scientific and professional starting points
for discussion of construction of violence and (porno)sexuality in media
The book discusses, sets out the problems regarding, and proposes
starting points for discussion and regulation of the construction of
(porno)sexuality and violence in the media, particularly in the contents of
information and communications technology (ICT) products and servi-
ces, i.e. new media. We investigate our subject through discourse analysis,
through which it is defined in public and in the education process (media,
legislative and regulatory, public-opinion, educational, popular medicine
and popular social-psychology discourse). Our research utilised tools and
findings from various scientific fields and disciplines, as the topic is com-
plex and associated with many aspects of social life.
We adopted feminist epistemology as the basic theoretical framework,
as a project that attempts to explain the connection between the construc-
tion of knowledge and social and political interests. The emphasis here is
on gender as a main category in discussion and reconstruction of epistemo-
logical practices, norms and ideals. In addition, feminist approach to epis-
temology tends to emphasise the ways in which knowers are particular and
concrete (rather than abstract and universalizable). Feminist epistemolo-
gies take seriously the ways in which knowers are enmeshed in social rela-
tions that are generally hierarchical and historically and culturally specific.
We primarily attempted to explain the epistemological dimension of the
phenomenon and to formulate modern concepts for dealing with it. The
interdisciplinary approach is also supported by the applied intent of the
project, which is to establish the scientific and professional starting points
for discussion of construction of violence and (porno)sexuality in media