Page 74 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
P. 74
Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?
interakciji več hkrati preučevanih konstruktov.34 Slednje ne preseneča, če
vemo, da rezultati študij kažejo medsebojno povezanost nekaterih kon-
struktov, kot so samopodoba, anksioznost in depresija.35
34 S. Gamse-Shapiro, Independence/interdependence, social anxiety, and adjustment to college: A
longitudinal analysis. Ph.D. dissertation., The Catholic University of America, United States.,
District of Columbia. 2004.
35 D. Crystal, C. Chen, Psychological Maladjustment and Academic Achievement: A Cross-
Cultural Study of Japanese, Chinese, and American High School Students, Child Development
(1994), št. 3. A. Fathi-Ashtiani, J. Ejei, M.-K. Khodapanahi, H. Tarkhorani, Relationship Betwe-
en Self-Concept, Self-esteem, Anxiety, Depression and Academic Achievement in Adolescents,
Journal of Applied Science (2007), št. 7. S. S. Luthar, Social competence in the school setting:
Prospective cross-domain associations among inner-city, Child Development (1995), št. 2. A. M.
Owens, I. Newbegin, Procrastination in High School Achievement: A Causal Structural Model,
Journal of Social Behavior & Personality (1997), št. 12. Q. Zhang, An Intervention Model of Con-
structive Conflict Resolution and Cooperative Learning, Journal of Social Issues (1994), št. 1.
interakciji več hkrati preučevanih konstruktov.34 Slednje ne preseneča, če
vemo, da rezultati študij kažejo medsebojno povezanost nekaterih kon-
struktov, kot so samopodoba, anksioznost in depresija.35
34 S. Gamse-Shapiro, Independence/interdependence, social anxiety, and adjustment to college: A
longitudinal analysis. Ph.D. dissertation., The Catholic University of America, United States.,
District of Columbia. 2004.
35 D. Crystal, C. Chen, Psychological Maladjustment and Academic Achievement: A Cross-
Cultural Study of Japanese, Chinese, and American High School Students, Child Development
(1994), št. 3. A. Fathi-Ashtiani, J. Ejei, M.-K. Khodapanahi, H. Tarkhorani, Relationship Betwe-
en Self-Concept, Self-esteem, Anxiety, Depression and Academic Achievement in Adolescents,
Journal of Applied Science (2007), št. 7. S. S. Luthar, Social competence in the school setting:
Prospective cross-domain associations among inner-city, Child Development (1995), št. 2. A. M.
Owens, I. Newbegin, Procrastination in High School Achievement: A Causal Structural Model,
Journal of Social Behavior & Personality (1997), št. 12. Q. Zhang, An Intervention Model of Con-
structive Conflict Resolution and Cooperative Learning, Journal of Social Issues (1994), št. 1.