Page 74 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
P. 74
 Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?
interakciji več hkrati preučevanih konstruktov.34 Slednje ne preseneča, če
vemo, da rezultati študij kažejo medsebojno povezanost nekaterih kon-
struktov, kot so samopodoba, anksioznost in depresija.35

34 S. Gamse-Shapiro, Independence/interdependence, social anxiety, and adjustment to college: A
longitudinal analysis. Ph.D. dissertation., The Catholic University of America, United States.,
District of Columbia. 2004.
35 D. Crystal, C. Chen, Psychological Maladjustment and Academic Achievement: A Cross-
Cultural Study of Japanese, Chinese, and American High School Students, Child Development
(1994), št. 3. A. Fathi-Ashtiani, J. Ejei, M.-K. Khodapanahi, H. Tarkhorani, Relationship Betwe-
en Self-Concept, Self-esteem, Anxiety, Depression and Academic Achievement in Adolescents,
Journal of Applied Science (2007), št. 7. S. S. Luthar, Social competence in the school setting:
Prospective cross-domain associations among inner-city, Child Development (1995), št. 2. A. M.
Owens, I. Newbegin, Procrastination in High School Achievement: A Causal Structural Model,
Journal of Social Behavior & Personality (1997), št. 12. Q. Zhang, An Intervention Model of Con-
structive Conflict Resolution and Cooperative Learning, Journal of Social Issues (1994), št. 1.
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