Page 48 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
P. 48
 Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?

ske harmonije/kohezije,5 podpora staršev6 in vključenost/zanimanje star-
šev za šolski uspeh otroka.7 Omenjeno naj bi posredno vplivalo na otro-
kov odnos do šole/izobraževanja, na njegov psihološki ustroj v smislu nje-
gove amopodobe8 in odklonskosti9, ki se poleg depresivnosti,10 motivirano-
sti in občutka kontrole11 pojavlja kot eden izmed pomembnejših korelatov
šolske uspešnosti.

Nadalje, nekatere izmed študij so pokazale, da na šolsko uspešnost otro-
ka pomembno vpliva že uvodoma omenjena struktura družine, ki pa poleg
vidika enoroditeljstva12 vključuje še vrstni red rojstva13 in pa spol otroka,
kjer praviloma velja, da fantje v povprečju dosegajo slabši učni uspeh.14 Tu
se najpogosteje izpostavlja razlike v socializaciji, zaradi katerih naj bi fan-
tje bili deležni manj vodenja, podpore in nadzora s strani staršev, kar naj bi
skupaj z občutkom, da učenje ni dovolj »možato«,15 odločilno vplivalo na
nižjo šolsko uspešnost fantov. V nadaljevanju bo na vzorcu slovenske sre-
dnješolske mladine podrobneje obravnavan in analiziran tako vpliv dru-

5 Y. Sun, Y. Li, Marital Disruption, Parental Investment, and Children’s Academic Achieve-
ment, Journal of Family Issues (2001), št. 1.
6 T. Williams, Participation in Education, ACER, Hawthorn 1987.
7 M. E. Kinard, Maternal Knowledge about Children’s School Performance, Journal of Interper-
sonal Violence (2001), št. 3.
8 F. Forsterling, M. J. Binser, Depression, School Performance and the Veridicality of Perce-
ived Grades and Causal Attributions, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2002), št. 10.
9 A. Rich, Beyond the Classroom: How Parents Influence their Children’s Education, Policy Mono-
graph 48, Centre for Independent Studies, St Leonards 2000.
10 J. D. Wiggins, E. Schatz, The relationship of self-esteem to grades, achievement scores, and
other factors critical to school success, School Counselor (1994), št. 4.
11 D. R. Musher-Eizenman, J. R. Nesselroade, B. Schmitz, Perceived control and academic per-
formance: A comparison of high- and low-performing children on within-person change pat-
terns, International Journal of Behavioral Development (2002), št. 6.
12 D. R. Entwisle, K. L. Alexander, A parent’s economic shadow: Family structure vs. family re-
sources as influences on early school achievement, Journal of Marriage and the Family (1995),
št. 1. D. Downey, The school performance of children from single-mother and single-father fa-
milies, Journal of Family Issues (1994), št. 1. A. Rich, Beyond the Classroom: How Parents Influ-
ence their Children’s Education, Policy Monograph 48, Centre for Independent Studies, St Leo-
nards 2000.
13 N. J. Mackintosh, IQ and human intelligence, Blackwell, Oxford 1998.
14 J. Buckingham, The Puzzle of Boys’ Educational Decline: A Review of the Evidence, Issue
Analysis (1999), št. 9. R. Horne, The Performance of Males and Females in School and Tertiary
Education, Australian Quarterly:Journal of Contemporary Analysis (2000), št. 5/6. M. Roderick,
What‘s happening to the boys? High School Experiences and School Outcomes Among African
American Male Adolescents in Chicago, Urban Education (2003), št. 5.
15 G. Considine, G. Zappala, The influence of social and economic disadvantage in the academic
performance of school students in Australia, Journal of Sociology (2003), št. 2.
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