Page 26 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
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 Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?

nije/kohezije,38 kot tudi podpora in vključenost/zanimanje staršev za šol-
ski uspeh otroka.39 Omenjeno naj bi posredno vplivalo na otrokov odnos
do šole/izobraževanja, na njegov psihološki ustroj v smislu njegove samo-
podobe40 in odklonskosti,41 ki se poleg depresivnosti42, motiviranosti in ob-
čutka kontrole43 pojavljata kot korelat šolske uspešnosti.

Na šolsko uspešnost pa naj bi pomembno vplivali še spol, kjer velja, da
fantje v povprečju dosegajo slabši učni uspeh44 in pa intelektualna sposob-
nost45, ki naj bi označevala, kaj lahko posameznik naredi oziroma doseže.46
Intelektualna sposobnost se pogostokrat enači z IQ ali ti. »inteligenčnim
količnikom«,47 oziroma na splošno, z inteligentnostjo,48 ki naj bi bila po
Herrnsteinu in Murrayu dedna v višini 60 odstotkov,49 po mnenju nekate-

ence their Children’s Education, Policy Monograph 48, Centre for Independent Studies, St Leo-
nards 2000.
38 Y. Sun, Y. Li, Marital Disruption, Parental Investment, and Children’s Academic Achieve-
ment, Journal of Family Issues (2001), št. 1.
39 T. Williams, Participation in Education, ACER, Hawthorn 1987. M. E. Kinard, Maternal
Knowledge about Children‘s School Performance, Journal of Interpersonal Violence (2001), št. 3.
40 J. D. Wiggins, E. Schatz, The relationship of self-esteem to grades, achievement scores, and
other factors critical to school success, School Counselor (1994), št. 4.
41 A. Rich, Beyond the Classroom: How Parents Influence their Children’s Education, Policy Mo-
nograph 48, Centre for Independent Studies, St Leonards 2000.
42 F. Forsterling, M. J. Binser, Depression, School Performance and the Veridicality of Perce-
ived Grades and Causal Attributions, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2002), št. 10.
43 D. R. Musher-Eizenman, J. R. Nesselroade, B. Schmitz, Perceived control and academic per-
formance: A comparison of high- and low-performing children on within-person change pat-
terns, International Journal of Behavioral Development (2002), št. 6.
44 J. Buckingham, The Puzzle of Boys’ Educational Decline: A Review of the Evidence, Issue
Analysis (1999), št. 9. R. 3e, The Performance of Males and Females in School and Tertiary Edu-
cation, Australian Quarterly:Journal of Contemporary Analysis (2000), št. 5/6. M. Roderick,
What‘s happening to the boys? High School Experiences and School Outcomes Among African
American Male Adolescents in Chicago, Urban Education (2003), št. 5.
45 L. S. Gottfredson, The General Intelligence Factor, Scientific American (1998), št. 4. L. C.
Hartlage, T. L. Lucas, A. Godwin, Culturally Biased and Culture Fair Tests Correlated with
School Performance, ournal of Clinical Psychology (1976), št. 3.
46 P. C. L. Heaven, J. Ciarrochia, W. Viallea, Conscientiousness and Eysenckian psychoticism
as predictors of school grades: A one-year longitudinal study, Personality and Individual Diffe-
rences (2007), št. 3.
47 B. Beben, V. Wilson, L. J. Whalley, P. M. Visscher, I. J. Deary, Large, consistent estimates of
heritability of cognitive ability in two entire populations of 11 year old twins from the Scottish
Mental Surveys of 1932 and 1947, Behavior Genetics (2005), št. 35. R. Herrnstein, C. A. Murray,
The bell curve: intelligence and class structure in American life, The Free Press, New York 1994.
48 D. R. Musher-Eizenman, J. R. Nesselroade, B. Schmitz, Perceived control and academic per-
formance: A comparison of high- and low-performing children on within-person change pat-
terns, International Journal of Behavioral Development (2002), št. 6.
49 R. Herrnstein, C. A. Murray, The bell curve: intelligence and class structure in American life,
The Free Press, New York 1994.
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