Page 104 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
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Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?
tivnosti se uvrščajo dejavnosti, kjer mladi participirajo znotraj sistema, ki
zajema omejitve, pravila in cilje; pogosto po nadzorom oz. organizacijo od-
raslih, kar pa sicer ni nujno (sem se med drugim prišteva tudi hobije).5 Ve-
čina študij se pri ugotavljanju vpliva prostočasovnih dejavnosti osredoto-
ča predvsem na znotrajšolske (interesne) dejavnosti.6 Participacija v le-teh
je povezana s številnimi dimenzijami pozitivnega razvoja mladostnika.7
Konkretneje, učenci, ki participirajo v znotrajšolskih dejavnostih, ima-
jo višjo povprečno oceno,8 manjše tveganje nedokončanja šolanja,9 manj
pogosto izostajajo od pouka,10 nižjo stopnjo šolske deviantnosti11 ter deli-
kventnosti.12 Nadalje, osnovnošolska participacija tudi pozitivno napove-
duje nadaljevanje šolanja na fakulteti.13
V drugih raziskavah so preučeni tudi vplivi izvenšolskih prostočasov-
nih dejavnosti. Tukaj avtorji ločujejo predvsem med strukturiranimi, or-
5 R. W. Larson, Toward a psychology of positive youth development, American Psychologist
(2000), št. 1.
6 R. B. McNeal, Participation in high school extracurricular activities: Investigating school ef-
fects, Social Science Quarterly (1999), št. 2. A. Feldman, J. Matjasko, The Role of School-Based
Extracurricular Activities in Adolescent Development: A Comprehensive Review and Future
Directions, Review of Educational Research (2005), št. 2. E. O‘Brien, M. Rollefson, Extracurri-
cular Participation and Student Engagement. Education Policy Issues: Statistical Perspectives, Na-
tional Center for Education Statistics, Washington, DC. 1995.
7 R. B. McNeal, Participation in high school extracurricular activities: Investigating school ef-
fects, Social Science Quarterly (1999), št. 2.
8 E. A. Chambers, J. B. Schreiber, Girls’ academic achievement: varying associations of extracur-
ricular activities, Gender and Education (2004), št. 3. H. W. Marsh, Extracurricular Activities:
Beneficial Extension of the Traditional Curriculum or Subversion of Academic Goals?, Journal
of Educational Psychology (1992), št. 4. H. M. Prelow, A. Loukas, The role of resource, protective,
and risk factors on academic achievement-related outcomes of economically disadvantaged Lati-
no youth, Journal of Community Psychology (2003), št. 5.
9 C. Dunn, D. Chambers, K. Rabren, Variables affecting students’decisions to drop out of
school, Remedial and Special Education (2004), št. 1. J. Finn, School engagement and students at
risk (NCES 93470), U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics,
Washington, DC 1993. J. L. Mahoney, R. B. Cairns, Do extracurricular activities protect again-
st early school dropout?, Developmental Psychology (1997), št. 2. R. B. McNeal, Extracurricular
activities and high-school dropouts, Sociology of Education (1995), št. 1.
10 N. Darling, Participation in extracurricular activities and adolescent adjustment: Cross-secti-
onal and longitudinal findings, Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2005), št. 5.
11 H. W. Marsh, Extracurricular Activities: Beneficial Extension of the Traditional Curriculum
or Subversion of Academic Goals?, Journal of Educational Psychology (1992), št. 4.
12 J. L. Mahoney, R. B. Cairns, Do extracurricular activities protect against early school dro-
pout?, Developmental Psychology (1997), št. 2. Z. Yin, D. S. Katims, J. T. Zapata, Participation in
Leisure Activities and Involvement in Delinquency by Mexican American Adolescents, Hispa-
nic Journal of Behavioral Sciences (1999), št. 2.
13 J. F. Zaff, K. A. Moore, A. R. Papillo, S. Williams, Implications of extracurricular activity par-
ticipation during adolescence on positive outcomes, Journal of Adolescent Research (2003), št. 6.
tivnosti se uvrščajo dejavnosti, kjer mladi participirajo znotraj sistema, ki
zajema omejitve, pravila in cilje; pogosto po nadzorom oz. organizacijo od-
raslih, kar pa sicer ni nujno (sem se med drugim prišteva tudi hobije).5 Ve-
čina študij se pri ugotavljanju vpliva prostočasovnih dejavnosti osredoto-
ča predvsem na znotrajšolske (interesne) dejavnosti.6 Participacija v le-teh
je povezana s številnimi dimenzijami pozitivnega razvoja mladostnika.7
Konkretneje, učenci, ki participirajo v znotrajšolskih dejavnostih, ima-
jo višjo povprečno oceno,8 manjše tveganje nedokončanja šolanja,9 manj
pogosto izostajajo od pouka,10 nižjo stopnjo šolske deviantnosti11 ter deli-
kventnosti.12 Nadalje, osnovnošolska participacija tudi pozitivno napove-
duje nadaljevanje šolanja na fakulteti.13
V drugih raziskavah so preučeni tudi vplivi izvenšolskih prostočasov-
nih dejavnosti. Tukaj avtorji ločujejo predvsem med strukturiranimi, or-
5 R. W. Larson, Toward a psychology of positive youth development, American Psychologist
(2000), št. 1.
6 R. B. McNeal, Participation in high school extracurricular activities: Investigating school ef-
fects, Social Science Quarterly (1999), št. 2. A. Feldman, J. Matjasko, The Role of School-Based
Extracurricular Activities in Adolescent Development: A Comprehensive Review and Future
Directions, Review of Educational Research (2005), št. 2. E. O‘Brien, M. Rollefson, Extracurri-
cular Participation and Student Engagement. Education Policy Issues: Statistical Perspectives, Na-
tional Center for Education Statistics, Washington, DC. 1995.
7 R. B. McNeal, Participation in high school extracurricular activities: Investigating school ef-
fects, Social Science Quarterly (1999), št. 2.
8 E. A. Chambers, J. B. Schreiber, Girls’ academic achievement: varying associations of extracur-
ricular activities, Gender and Education (2004), št. 3. H. W. Marsh, Extracurricular Activities:
Beneficial Extension of the Traditional Curriculum or Subversion of Academic Goals?, Journal
of Educational Psychology (1992), št. 4. H. M. Prelow, A. Loukas, The role of resource, protective,
and risk factors on academic achievement-related outcomes of economically disadvantaged Lati-
no youth, Journal of Community Psychology (2003), št. 5.
9 C. Dunn, D. Chambers, K. Rabren, Variables affecting students’decisions to drop out of
school, Remedial and Special Education (2004), št. 1. J. Finn, School engagement and students at
risk (NCES 93470), U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics,
Washington, DC 1993. J. L. Mahoney, R. B. Cairns, Do extracurricular activities protect again-
st early school dropout?, Developmental Psychology (1997), št. 2. R. B. McNeal, Extracurricular
activities and high-school dropouts, Sociology of Education (1995), št. 1.
10 N. Darling, Participation in extracurricular activities and adolescent adjustment: Cross-secti-
onal and longitudinal findings, Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2005), št. 5.
11 H. W. Marsh, Extracurricular Activities: Beneficial Extension of the Traditional Curriculum
or Subversion of Academic Goals?, Journal of Educational Psychology (1992), št. 4.
12 J. L. Mahoney, R. B. Cairns, Do extracurricular activities protect against early school dro-
pout?, Developmental Psychology (1997), št. 2. Z. Yin, D. S. Katims, J. T. Zapata, Participation in
Leisure Activities and Involvement in Delinquency by Mexican American Adolescents, Hispa-
nic Journal of Behavioral Sciences (1999), št. 2.
13 J. F. Zaff, K. A. Moore, A. R. Papillo, S. Williams, Implications of extracurricular activity par-
ticipation during adolescence on positive outcomes, Journal of Adolescent Research (2003), št. 6.