Page 209 - Tatjana Vonta, Organizirana predšolska vzgoja v izzivih družbenih sprememb, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 8
P. 209
Viri in literatura
Love, John M., Ryer, Paul, Faddis, Bonnie, Caring Environments – Pro-
gram Quality in California’s Public Funded Child Development Pro-
grams: Report on the Legasletively Mandaten 1990–91. Staff/Child Ra-
tio Study. RMC Research Corporation, Portsmouth, N. H. 1992.
Kako pomembna so pojmovanja znanja, učenja in poučevanja za uspeh kuri-
kularne prenove (drugi del). Sodobna pedagogika 49/4 (1998), 360–370.
Profesionalizacija izobraževanja učiteljev – nujna predpostavka uspešne
prenove. Vzgoja in izobraževanje 31/4 (2000), 4–11.
Barica Marentič Požarnik, Vzgoja v javni šoli: Ali je vsako širjenje vredno-
stnih vsebin in vzgojnih metod indoktrinacija? Sodobna pedagogika
51/1 (2000), 8–27.
Maslow, Abraham H., Motivation and personality. Harper and Row, New
York 1954, 1970.
Maslow, A. H., Toward a psychology of Being. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
Princeton, NJ. 1968.
Maslow, A. H., The farther reaches of human nature. Viking, New York
McCain, Margaret Norrie, Mustard, James Fraser, Shanker, Stuart, Early
years study 2. Putting Science into Action. Council for Early Child De-
velopment, Toronto, Ontario 2007.
McCartney, Kathleen, Effects of Quality of Day-care Environment on
children’s language development. Developmental Psychology 20 (1984),
McCartney, K., Day Care as Intervention: Comparations of Varying Qua-
lity Programs. Journal of Applied Developemental Psychology 6 (1985),
McCartney, K., Philips, D., Motherhood and child care. V: Different faces
of motherhood. Ur. Birns, Hay. Plenum, New York 1988.
McCombs, Barbara L., Whisler, Jo Sue, The learner-centered classroom and
school: Strategies for increasing student motivation and achievement. Jos-
sey-Bass, San Francisco 1997.
McGarth, Mary Jo, Dealing Positively With the Nonproductive Teacher.
V: Evaluating teaching: A guide to current thinking and best practice.
Corwin Press, 1997.
Love, John M., Ryer, Paul, Faddis, Bonnie, Caring Environments – Pro-
gram Quality in California’s Public Funded Child Development Pro-
grams: Report on the Legasletively Mandaten 1990–91. Staff/Child Ra-
tio Study. RMC Research Corporation, Portsmouth, N. H. 1992.
Kako pomembna so pojmovanja znanja, učenja in poučevanja za uspeh kuri-
kularne prenove (drugi del). Sodobna pedagogika 49/4 (1998), 360–370.
Profesionalizacija izobraževanja učiteljev – nujna predpostavka uspešne
prenove. Vzgoja in izobraževanje 31/4 (2000), 4–11.
Barica Marentič Požarnik, Vzgoja v javni šoli: Ali je vsako širjenje vredno-
stnih vsebin in vzgojnih metod indoktrinacija? Sodobna pedagogika
51/1 (2000), 8–27.
Maslow, Abraham H., Motivation and personality. Harper and Row, New
York 1954, 1970.
Maslow, A. H., Toward a psychology of Being. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
Princeton, NJ. 1968.
Maslow, A. H., The farther reaches of human nature. Viking, New York
McCain, Margaret Norrie, Mustard, James Fraser, Shanker, Stuart, Early
years study 2. Putting Science into Action. Council for Early Child De-
velopment, Toronto, Ontario 2007.
McCartney, Kathleen, Effects of Quality of Day-care Environment on
children’s language development. Developmental Psychology 20 (1984),
McCartney, K., Day Care as Intervention: Comparations of Varying Qua-
lity Programs. Journal of Applied Developemental Psychology 6 (1985),
McCartney, K., Philips, D., Motherhood and child care. V: Different faces
of motherhood. Ur. Birns, Hay. Plenum, New York 1988.
McCombs, Barbara L., Whisler, Jo Sue, The learner-centered classroom and
school: Strategies for increasing student motivation and achievement. Jos-
sey-Bass, San Francisco 1997.
McGarth, Mary Jo, Dealing Positively With the Nonproductive Teacher.
V: Evaluating teaching: A guide to current thinking and best practice.
Corwin Press, 1997.