Page 191 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 5-6: Civic, citizenship and rhetorical education in a rapidly changing world, eds. Janja Žmavc and Plamen Mirazchiyski
P. 191
povzetki ■ abstracts

zreda) v državi v istem dnevu pod enakimi pogoji opravljajo iste preizkuse.
Dosežki učencev (n=3849) pri vprašanjih, ki so preverjala znanje glede te-
matike politične participacije, kažejo, da zelo dobro poznajo temeljna pra-
vila in norme demokratične participacije, vendar izkazujejo slabše pozna-
vanje učinkov sodelovanja na volitvah. Rezultati kažejo tudi, da le delno
poznajo oziroma znajo razložiti nekonvencionalne oblike politične parti-
cipacije, vendar hkrati izkazujejo sposobnost načrtovanja procesa demo-
kratičnega odločanja v skupini, kot je šolski razred.
Ključne besede: državljanska vzgoja, politična participacija, nacionalno
preverjanje znanja, osnovna šola

Mojca Rožman, Diego Cortés

In this paper, we investigate whether the recent immigration-related de-
mographic change in Europe can be associated with changes in expect-
ed political participation of young adults. For this, we rely on three inde-
pendent data sources from 12 EU-member countries. To capture young
adults’ expected political participation, we rely on data from the Interna-
tional Civic and Citizenship Study (ICCS) conducted in 2009 and 2016.
Moreover, we use data compiled by Eurostat, which captures the number
of asylum applications that were lodged in each of the selected countries.
Finally, we use data on national voter turnout as reported by the Interna-
tional Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. We find that the
change in expected electoral participation of students is associated with
the number of asylum applications within a country. To gather some evi-
dence that the self-reported data from students reflect society and societal
changes, we examine the relationship between expected voting participa-
tion and the actual voter turnouts in a country. We find a positive associa-
tion between these two variables. Our results point to the conclusion that
there is an association between the recent migration movements in Eu-
rope and the increased political participation in countries. This associa-
tion is reflected in students and their expectations for future civic and po-
litical engagement.
Keywords: electoral turnouts, political participation, ICCS, demograph-
ic changes

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