Page 265 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 5-6: Znanje, motivacija in pogoji učenja v luči mednarodnih primerjav TIMSS in PISA, ur. Barbara Japelj Pavešić in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 265
poudarka. Pričujoči prispevek problematizira nekatere izmed razsežnos-
ti OECD-jevega »kopernikanskega obrata« v smer izobraževalne
pravičnosti, saj je nova senzibilnost, ki jo predstavljajo vsebinski poudar-
ki enakih možnosti in družbene (ne)enakosti, vse prej kot enoznačna ali
neproblematična. Uvodni del prispevka kontekstualizira razpravo o prob-
lematiki izobraževalne pravičnosti v okviru t. i. »kulture objektivnosti«
kot oblike »mehke moči«. Osrednji del prispevka problematizira vlogo in
pomen enakih možnosti kot ene od razsežnosti izobraževalne pravičnosti
[ter s tem povezane problematike poštenosti] v okviru OECD-jeve agen-
de na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja. Sklepni del prispevka postavi pod
vprašaj emancipatoričnost OECD-jevega kopernikanskega obrata v smer
izobraževalne pravičnosti.
Ključne besede: veliki kompromis, enake možnosti, izobraževalna
pravičnost, družbena (ne)enakost, mehka moč, kultura objektivnosti
Edication and the »Great Compromise«:
Trojan Horse or Paper Tiger
The Programme for International Student Assessment [PISA] is one of
the OECD‘s main ‚data generators‘ and one of its leading examples of the
‘soft style of management’. In addition to its ‚standard‘ emphasis on ef-
ficiency, OECD‘s educational agenda has undergone an important shift
in emphasis. This paper challenges some of the issues associated with
OECD‘s ‚Copernican turn‘ in the direction of equity as the new sensi-
bility best represented by the substantive emphasis of equal opportunities
and social (inequality) is all but unambiguous or unproblematic. The in-
troductory part of the article contextualises the debate on the issues of ed-
ucational justice within the so-called ‚culture of objectivity‘ as a form of
‚soft power‘. The central part of the paper problematizes the role and im-
portance of equal opportunities as one of the dimensions of education-
al justice [and related issues of fairness] in the framework of the OECD‘s
educational agenda. The final part of the paper questions the emancipa-
tory nature of OECD’s ‘Copernican turn’ in the direction of education-
al justice.
Key words: the great compromise, equality of opportunity, educational
justice, social (in)equality, soft power, culture of objectivity
poudarka. Pričujoči prispevek problematizira nekatere izmed razsežnos-
ti OECD-jevega »kopernikanskega obrata« v smer izobraževalne
pravičnosti, saj je nova senzibilnost, ki jo predstavljajo vsebinski poudar-
ki enakih možnosti in družbene (ne)enakosti, vse prej kot enoznačna ali
neproblematična. Uvodni del prispevka kontekstualizira razpravo o prob-
lematiki izobraževalne pravičnosti v okviru t. i. »kulture objektivnosti«
kot oblike »mehke moči«. Osrednji del prispevka problematizira vlogo in
pomen enakih možnosti kot ene od razsežnosti izobraževalne pravičnosti
[ter s tem povezane problematike poštenosti] v okviru OECD-jeve agen-
de na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja. Sklepni del prispevka postavi pod
vprašaj emancipatoričnost OECD-jevega kopernikanskega obrata v smer
izobraževalne pravičnosti.
Ključne besede: veliki kompromis, enake možnosti, izobraževalna
pravičnost, družbena (ne)enakost, mehka moč, kultura objektivnosti
Edication and the »Great Compromise«:
Trojan Horse or Paper Tiger
The Programme for International Student Assessment [PISA] is one of
the OECD‘s main ‚data generators‘ and one of its leading examples of the
‘soft style of management’. In addition to its ‚standard‘ emphasis on ef-
ficiency, OECD‘s educational agenda has undergone an important shift
in emphasis. This paper challenges some of the issues associated with
OECD‘s ‚Copernican turn‘ in the direction of equity as the new sensi-
bility best represented by the substantive emphasis of equal opportunities
and social (inequality) is all but unambiguous or unproblematic. The in-
troductory part of the article contextualises the debate on the issues of ed-
ucational justice within the so-called ‚culture of objectivity‘ as a form of
‚soft power‘. The central part of the paper problematizes the role and im-
portance of equal opportunities as one of the dimensions of education-
al justice [and related issues of fairness] in the framework of the OECD‘s
educational agenda. The final part of the paper questions the emancipa-
tory nature of OECD’s ‘Copernican turn’ in the direction of education-
al justice.
Key words: the great compromise, equality of opportunity, educational
justice, social (in)equality, soft power, culture of objectivity