Page 218 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 5-6: Pravičnost, neoliberalizem in izobraževanje, ur. Urška Štremfel
P. 218
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 5–6
tions. Another topic is the most influential neo-liberal theory of justice:
Nozick’s criticism of the famous Rawls liberal theory of justice as fairness.
Key words: neoliberalism, justice, education, philosophy
Živa Kos, Veronika Tašner in Slavko Gaber
Možnosti in meje konceptualizacij ter praks ugotavljanja
in zagotavljanja kakovosti v vzgoji in izobraževanju
Diskurzi o kakovosti vse od sedemdesetih let dvajsetega stoletja regulirajo
pomemben del politik in praks tudi v edukaciji. Strukturiranje koncepta
kakovosti je mogoče misliti v razmerju z upravljanjem naraščajočih druž
benih in ekonomskih negotovosti, predvsem tistih, ki so se pojavile kot
odgovor na ponekod skrajno liberalizacijo družbenih polj in v njih posa
meznic in posameznikov. Ugotavljanje in zagotavljanje kakovosti je na tej
linji mogoče tematizirati kot mehanizem varnosti, kot prestrukturiran
je razmerij racionalnosti in praks varnosti države blaginje. Danes se, na
v pričujočem besedilu tematiziranih zamikih strukturirane racionalnosti
ugotavljanja in zagotavljanja kakovosti v edukaciji zadnjih treh desetlet
ji, kažejo kot nezadostne, ponekod izključujoče. Meje vztrajajočih poli
tik in praks se kažejo predvsem kot diskurzi o kakovosti edukacije v po
vezavi s trgom dela, merjenjem učinkov in nenehnimi spremembami ter
pojmovanji edukacije kot pozicijske dobrine.
Ključne besede: kakovost, varnost, racionalnosti, (neo)liberalizem, avtono
mija, odgovornosti, skrb zase in za druge.
Possibilities and limits of conceptualizations and practices
of quality assessment and quality assurance in education
Discourses on quality have, from the seventies onwards, notably become
an important part of policy and practice in education. One of the possi
ble outlooks on the structuring of the concept of quality can be conceived
as a relation between shifts in the modes of regulation of increasing soci
al and economic risks – especially ones that emerged as counteractions of
radical liberalization of different social fields as well as individuals. Qua
lity assurance and assessment (QAA) can be as therefore thematized as a
security mechanism, as a response to restructuring relations of rationaliti
es and practices of security in the welfare state. Today’s outlook on QAA
shows that dominant rationalities of the last thirty years are becoming
increasingly inadequate, somewhere even limiting. The limits of these per
sistent rationalities can be summarized as discourses on education imma
nently related to the labour market, discourses of measurement and effi
ciency in education, continuous improvement and change and discourses
that structure education as a personal and a positional good.
tions. Another topic is the most influential neo-liberal theory of justice:
Nozick’s criticism of the famous Rawls liberal theory of justice as fairness.
Key words: neoliberalism, justice, education, philosophy
Živa Kos, Veronika Tašner in Slavko Gaber
Možnosti in meje konceptualizacij ter praks ugotavljanja
in zagotavljanja kakovosti v vzgoji in izobraževanju
Diskurzi o kakovosti vse od sedemdesetih let dvajsetega stoletja regulirajo
pomemben del politik in praks tudi v edukaciji. Strukturiranje koncepta
kakovosti je mogoče misliti v razmerju z upravljanjem naraščajočih druž
benih in ekonomskih negotovosti, predvsem tistih, ki so se pojavile kot
odgovor na ponekod skrajno liberalizacijo družbenih polj in v njih posa
meznic in posameznikov. Ugotavljanje in zagotavljanje kakovosti je na tej
linji mogoče tematizirati kot mehanizem varnosti, kot prestrukturiran
je razmerij racionalnosti in praks varnosti države blaginje. Danes se, na
v pričujočem besedilu tematiziranih zamikih strukturirane racionalnosti
ugotavljanja in zagotavljanja kakovosti v edukaciji zadnjih treh desetlet
ji, kažejo kot nezadostne, ponekod izključujoče. Meje vztrajajočih poli
tik in praks se kažejo predvsem kot diskurzi o kakovosti edukacije v po
vezavi s trgom dela, merjenjem učinkov in nenehnimi spremembami ter
pojmovanji edukacije kot pozicijske dobrine.
Ključne besede: kakovost, varnost, racionalnosti, (neo)liberalizem, avtono
mija, odgovornosti, skrb zase in za druge.
Possibilities and limits of conceptualizations and practices
of quality assessment and quality assurance in education
Discourses on quality have, from the seventies onwards, notably become
an important part of policy and practice in education. One of the possi
ble outlooks on the structuring of the concept of quality can be conceived
as a relation between shifts in the modes of regulation of increasing soci
al and economic risks – especially ones that emerged as counteractions of
radical liberalization of different social fields as well as individuals. Qua
lity assurance and assessment (QAA) can be as therefore thematized as a
security mechanism, as a response to restructuring relations of rationaliti
es and practices of security in the welfare state. Today’s outlook on QAA
shows that dominant rationalities of the last thirty years are becoming
increasingly inadequate, somewhere even limiting. The limits of these per
sistent rationalities can be summarized as discourses on education imma
nently related to the labour market, discourses of measurement and effi
ciency in education, continuous improvement and change and discourses
that structure education as a personal and a positional good.