Page 208 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 5-6: Pravičnost, neoliberalizem in izobraževanje, ur. Urška Štremfel
P. 208
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 5–6
Ringrose, J. (2013) Postfeminist Education?: Girls and the Sexual Politics of
Schooling. London in New York: Routledge.
Ringrose, J. (2007) Successful Girls? Complicating Post-Feminist, Neoliberal
Discourses of Educational Achievement and Gender Equality. Gender
and Education 19 (4), str. 471–489.
Schiebinger, L (1999) Has Feminism Changed Science?. Cambridge in Lon
don: Harvard University Press.
Šimenc, M., Kodelja, Z. (2016) Lifelong learning: from freedom to necessi
ty. Creative education 7 (2), str. 1714-1721.
CE_2016080314590031.pdf, (15. oktober 2016).
Truth Goodman, R. (2013) Gender Work. Feminism after Neoliberalism. New
York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Vendramin, V. (2012) Postfeminizem: nova doba, stare težave (in kaj to pome
ni za vzgojo in izobraževanje). Šolsko polje 23 (5–6), str. 111–120.
Vendramin, V., Šribar, R. (2010) Onstran pozitivizma ali perspektive na
“novo” enakost med spoloma. Šolsko polje 21 (1–2), str. 157–169.
Vendramin, V. (2005) Šola za deklice: kurikularne spremembe in enakost v izo
braževanj: zaključno poročilo ciljnega raziskovalnega programa “Konku
renčnost Slovenije 2001–2006”. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
Wilkins, A. (2012). Push and Pull in the Classroom: Competition, Gender,
and the Neoliberal Subject. Gender and Education 24 (7), str. 765–781.
Ringrose, J. (2013) Postfeminist Education?: Girls and the Sexual Politics of
Schooling. London in New York: Routledge.
Ringrose, J. (2007) Successful Girls? Complicating Post-Feminist, Neoliberal
Discourses of Educational Achievement and Gender Equality. Gender
and Education 19 (4), str. 471–489.
Schiebinger, L (1999) Has Feminism Changed Science?. Cambridge in Lon
don: Harvard University Press.
Šimenc, M., Kodelja, Z. (2016) Lifelong learning: from freedom to necessi
ty. Creative education 7 (2), str. 1714-1721.
CE_2016080314590031.pdf, (15. oktober 2016).
Truth Goodman, R. (2013) Gender Work. Feminism after Neoliberalism. New
York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Vendramin, V. (2012) Postfeminizem: nova doba, stare težave (in kaj to pome
ni za vzgojo in izobraževanje). Šolsko polje 23 (5–6), str. 111–120.
Vendramin, V., Šribar, R. (2010) Onstran pozitivizma ali perspektive na
“novo” enakost med spoloma. Šolsko polje 21 (1–2), str. 157–169.
Vendramin, V. (2005) Šola za deklice: kurikularne spremembe in enakost v izo
braževanj: zaključno poročilo ciljnega raziskovalnega programa “Konku
renčnost Slovenije 2001–2006”. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
Wilkins, A. (2012). Push and Pull in the Classroom: Competition, Gender,
and the Neoliberal Subject. Gender and Education 24 (7), str. 765–781.