Page 260 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 260
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 3–4
s področja vzgoje in izobraževanja na Inštitutu za družboslovne raziskave
v Zagrebu). Od ustanovitve NEPC-a je sodelovala v več kot ducat medna-
rodnih projektih in pri pripravi publikacij na področju javnih politik, do-
stopa do izobraževanja in socialnega vključevanja.
Lana Jurko
has been with NEPC, an international non-governmental membership
organisation of education policy centres since 2006. Her career spans
from being an English teacher to software trainer and help desk opera-
tor to project coordinator and assistant researcher to her current position.
She worked at international organisations like the United Nations and
the OSCE, schools, non-government organisations, at the research in-
stitute (Centre for Educational Research and Development, Institute of
Social Research in Zagreb). Since the inception of NEPC, she has led over
a dozen international projects and publications in educational access, in-
clusion and policy.
Ana Kozina
je raziskovalka, docentka in vodja Centra za evalvacijske študije na
Pedagoškem inštitutu. Njeno delo je osredotočeno na področje razvojne
(razvojni in časovni trendi agresivnosti in anksioznosti, njuno medseboj-
no delovanje in vloga anksioznosti in agresivnosti na ravni posameznika,
na šolski ravni in na ravni skupnosti) in pedagoške psihologije (socialno in
čustveno učenja, načrtovanje preventive in intervencije ...). Je članica ure-
dniškega odbora Založbe Pedagoškega inštituta, predsednica Slovenskega
društva raziskovalcev na področju edukacije (SLODRE) in članica sveta
EERA (European Education Research Association).
Ana Kozina
is a researcher, assistant professor and head of the Centre for Evaluation
Studies at the Educational Research Institute. Her work lies in the field of
developmental (developmental and time-related trends of aggression and
anxiety, their interplay and the role anxiety and aggression play on the in-
dividual, school level and community levels) and educational psychology
(social and emotional learning, prevention and intervention designs etc.).
She is a member of the editorial board of Educational Research Institute
Press, president of the Slovenian Educational Research Association
(SLODRE) and a council member of the European Education Research
Association (EERA).
s področja vzgoje in izobraževanja na Inštitutu za družboslovne raziskave
v Zagrebu). Od ustanovitve NEPC-a je sodelovala v več kot ducat medna-
rodnih projektih in pri pripravi publikacij na področju javnih politik, do-
stopa do izobraževanja in socialnega vključevanja.
Lana Jurko
has been with NEPC, an international non-governmental membership
organisation of education policy centres since 2006. Her career spans
from being an English teacher to software trainer and help desk opera-
tor to project coordinator and assistant researcher to her current position.
She worked at international organisations like the United Nations and
the OSCE, schools, non-government organisations, at the research in-
stitute (Centre for Educational Research and Development, Institute of
Social Research in Zagreb). Since the inception of NEPC, she has led over
a dozen international projects and publications in educational access, in-
clusion and policy.
Ana Kozina
je raziskovalka, docentka in vodja Centra za evalvacijske študije na
Pedagoškem inštitutu. Njeno delo je osredotočeno na področje razvojne
(razvojni in časovni trendi agresivnosti in anksioznosti, njuno medseboj-
no delovanje in vloga anksioznosti in agresivnosti na ravni posameznika,
na šolski ravni in na ravni skupnosti) in pedagoške psihologije (socialno in
čustveno učenja, načrtovanje preventive in intervencije ...). Je članica ure-
dniškega odbora Založbe Pedagoškega inštituta, predsednica Slovenskega
društva raziskovalcev na področju edukacije (SLODRE) in članica sveta
EERA (European Education Research Association).
Ana Kozina
is a researcher, assistant professor and head of the Centre for Evaluation
Studies at the Educational Research Institute. Her work lies in the field of
developmental (developmental and time-related trends of aggression and
anxiety, their interplay and the role anxiety and aggression play on the in-
dividual, school level and community levels) and educational psychology
(social and emotional learning, prevention and intervention designs etc.).
She is a member of the editorial board of Educational Research Institute
Press, president of the Slovenian Educational Research Association
(SLODRE) and a council member of the European Education Research
Association (EERA).