Page 263 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 263
avtorji ■ authors

zaposlen na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze na Primorskem, predava pa tudi
na Fakulteti za humanistične študije iste univerze in na Evropski pravni
fakulteti Nove univerze. Objavil je številne znanstvene, strokovne in po-
ljudnoznanstvene članke. Je avtor več strokovnih in znanstvenih knjig.
Izdal je tudi roman in knjigo poezije. Dvakrat je prejel priznanje Prometej
znanosti in se redno uvršča na vsakoletni seznam desetih najvplivnejših
Andraž Teršek
is a modern constitutionalist and avant-garde legal philosopher. He worked
for 9 years as a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana. He is
currently employed by the Faculty of Education, University of Primorska,
but also lectures at the Faculty of Humanities at the same university and
at the European Faculty of Law, New University. He has published nu-
merous scientific, professional and popular science articles. He is the au-
thor of several professional and scientific books and has also published a
novel and a collection of poetry. He has twice received the Prometheus of
Science Award and is regularly included in the annual list of the ten most
influential lawyers.
Janez Drobnič
je uveljavljen strokovnjak na področju inkluzivnega izobraževanja, kari-
erne orientacije in zaposlitvene rehabilitacije oseb s posebnimi potreba-
mi. Na svoji karierni poti povezuje teoretična znanja s prakso bodisi pre-
ko svetovanj ali pa razvija izvedbene modele oblike in pristope za te osebe
v okviru edukacije in zaposlovanja. Kot docent na Pedagoški fakulteti
Univerze na Primorskem lahko nudi študentom veliko praktičnih izku-
šenj, ki se povezujejo z različnimi teorijami kariernega razvoja ali socialne
integracije oseb s posebnimi potrebami v okviru inkluzivne paradigme.
Janez Drobnič
is an established expert in the field of inclusive education, vocational and
career guidance and vocational rehabilitation. In his career, he has linked
theoretical knowledge with his counselling practice, or has developed op-
erational models, forms and approaches in education and employment.
As an assistant professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of
Primorska, he can offer students practical experience related to the devel-
opment theories of career guidance or social integration of people with
special needs within an inclusive educational paradigm.

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