Page 255 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 255
avtorji ■ authors

Jelena Vranješević
Associate Professor Jelena Vranješević works at the Faculty of Philosophy
in Belgrade where she teaches Developmental Psychology and Psychology
of Education. She has written four monographies and numerous papers
and articles published in relevant journals and scientific conference pro-
ceedings. She has co-authored and coordinated national and internation-
al projects on social justice/education for diversity, communication and
conflict resolution, intercultural education and the child’s rights, and also
reference books on these topics. She has participated in research projects
dealing with different aspects of improving the quality of education: par-
ents’ participation in education, inclusive education and teacher profes-
sional development.

Marjan Šimenc
je docent za filozofijo vzgoje na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani
in raziskovalec na Pedagoškem inštitutu. Raziskovalno deluje na področju
filozofije in sociologije vzgoje.

Marjan Šimenc
Assistant Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of
Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, and a researcher at the Educational
Research Institute. Dr. Šimenc›s research is focused on the philosophy
and sociology of education.

Zdenko Kodelja
je znanstveni svetnik in vodja Centra za filozofijo vzgoje na Pedagoškem
inštitutu v Ljubljani. Raziskovalno deluje na področju filozofije vzgoje in
se ukvarja predvsem z vprašanji pravičnosti, laične šole, etike in šolske po-
litike ter s človekovimi in otrokovimi pravicami.

Zdenko Kodelja
A scientific councillor and Head of the Centre for Philosophy of
Education at the Educational Research Institute. Ddr. Kodelja’s field
of research is the philosophy of education, focused mainly on the issues
of fairness, secular schooling, ethics, school policies, human rights and
rights of the child.

Urban Boljka
je doktor socioloških znanosti. Naziv je pridobil leta 2011 na Univerzi v
Ljubljani. Trenutno je zaposlen kot strokovno-raziskovalni sodelavec na
Inštitutu Republike Slovenije za socialno varstvo. Raziskovalno se ukvarja

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