Page 199 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 3-4: Nasilje, šola, družba II, ur. Mitja Sardoč in Barbara Japelj Pavešić
P. 199
avtorji ■ authors

socialno in čustveno učenje, motivacija …), ki vplivajo na učne dosežke
otrok in mladostnikov. Je članica programske skupine Edukacijske razi-
skave (2015–2020), članica uredniškega odbora Založbe Pedagoškega in-
štituta ter predsednica Slovenskega društva raziskovalcev na področju
edukacije (SLODRE).
Ana Kozina
is a researcher, assistant professor and the head of the Centre for evalu-
ation studies in Educational Research Institute. Her work is in the field
of developmental and educational psychology. She is focused on the de-
velopmental and time related trends of aggression and anxiety (in child-
hood and adolescence), their interplay and the role that anxiety and
aggression play on the individual level, on the school level and on the
community level (with possible prevention and intervention designs). In
the field of education she is interested in the factors related to students’
achievement (school climate, social and emotional learning, motivati-
on...). She is a member of the program group Educational Research (2015–
2020), a member of the editorial board of Educational Research Institute
Publishing House and a president of The Slovenian Educational Research
Association (SLODRE).
Martina Kukovec
je magistrica psihologije in mediatorka. Zaposlena je kot svetovalna de-
lavka in profesorica psihologije na Prvi gimnaziji Maribor. Deluje tudi
na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru kot asistentka za področje
psihologije. Uživa v preživljanju časa s svojo družino, v naravi in igranju
Martina Kukovec
is a mediator. She holds a master degree of Psychology and works as a
counsellor and psychology teacher at Prva gimnazija Maribor. She also
works at Filozofska fakulteta Univerze Maribor (Faculty of Arts) as a te-
aching assistant in the field of psychology. She enjoys spending time with
her family, spending time in nature and playing piano.
Jelena Pavičić Vukičević
je namestnica župana Mesta Zagreba (Grad Zagreb) za družbene dejavnos-
ti. Doktorirala je na Oddelku za pedagogiko Univerze v Zagrebu (Odsjek
za pedagogiju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu). V sklopu jesenskih in pomladnih
šol Hrvaškega pedagoško knjižnega zbora (Hrvatski pedagoško književni
zbor) moderira panelne razprave z naslovom Otrok v tveganju (Dijete u

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