Page 228 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, št. 3-4: K paradigmam raziskovanja vzgoje in izobraževanja, ur. Valerija Vendramin
P. 228
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 3–4

v šoli na eni strani ter vrstniškimi izzivi na drugi. Na teh izhodiščih temel­
ji naše raziskovanje povezanosti med vključenostjo staršev v šolanje otro­
ka in mladostnikovo uporabo psihoaktivnih snovi. V prispevku predstav­
ljamo empirično raziskavo, ki smo jo izvedli na velikem neslučajnostnem
vzorcu učencev 9. razreda osnovnih šol in dijakov 2. letnika srednjih šol v
Mariboru. Ugotavljali smo povezanost med vključenostjo staršev v šolan­
je otroka in mladostnikovo uporabo po različnih vrst psihoaktivnih sno­
vi, starostjo prvih poskusov psihoaktivnih snovi in pogostostjo uporabe
psihoaktivnih snovi. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da obstaja pozitiv­
na povezanost med vključenostjo staršev v šolanje mladostnikov in sta­
rostjo mladostnikov pri prvih poskusih psihoaktivnih snov ter negativna
povezanost med vključenostjo staršev v šolanje mladostnikov in številom
poskusov različnih vrst psihoaktivnih snovi ter pogostostjo uporabe psi­
hoaktivnih snovi.
Ključne besede: družina, mladostnik, vključenost staršev v šolanje otrok,
psihoaktivne snovi

Parental involvment in child‘s schooling and psychoactive
substance use among adolescents

Numerous studies have shown that the involvement of parents in the
schooling of their children can improve the child‘s learning achievements
in a way that reduces the child‘s behavioural problems which could hinder
the learning process. Further research confirms that the first attempts of
using psychoactive substances begin in the adolescence. Adolescence is a
period in which the youngster lays the foundations which are the basis for
adulthood as well as the starting point of one`s further life. This is also the
time when adolescents begin to deal intensively with school requirements
on the one side and peer challenges on the other. Our research is based
on the connection between the parental involvement in child`s schooling
and the adolescent’s consumption of psychoactive substances. The paper
presents empirical research which was conducted on a large uncoinciden­
tal sample of 9th grade pupils of primary schools and 2nd year students of
secondary schools in Maribor. We determined the relationship between
parental involvement in child`s schooling and the various types of psycho­
active substances used by adolescents, the age of the first experimentation
of psychoactive substances and the frequency of use. Moreover, the results
have shown positive connection between parental involvement in child`s
schooling and the age of first attempts of psychoactive substance, and neg­
ative connection between parental involvement in child`s schooling and
the number of different kinds of psychoactive substances they`ve tried as
well as the frequency of consumption.

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