Page 240 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 3-4: IEA ICILS in druge sodobne teme, ur. Eva Klemenčič
P. 240
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 3–4

Differences in computer and information literacy
of eighth-grade students between Slovenian regions
and association with the socio-economic status

In the article, the differences between Slovenian (statistical) regions in
computer and information literacy (CIL) of 8th grade students from the
ICILS 2013 study are analyzed. In addition, we analyzed the association
between socio-economic status (SES) and the achievements of pupils in
CIL within each region and compared the results between the regions.
The analysis in this article, therefore, addresses the regional (in)equaliti­
es in achievements in CIL in Slovenia and the associations of the achieve­
ment differences with the diversity of socio-economic background of stu­
dents across regions.

The analysis results show that although differences in average achie­
vement between regions do exist, they are not many and not great. Based
on the achievements in CIL in the ICILS 2013 study, students from the re­
gions of Goriška, Zasavska, Gorenjska and Podravska regions have the hi­
ghest achievements while the lowest average achievements are observed in
the regions of Notranjsko-kraška, Spodnjeposavska and Obalno-kraška.
Statistically rigorously speaking, there are significant differences only be­
tween the average achievements of the top ranking and bottom ranking
regions, while for other regions statistically significant differences were
not detected. Despite the differences between the average achievements
of (some) regions, it needs to be considered that the standard deviation of
CIL achievements is much larger within the regions.

The analysis also showed some significant differences in SES betwe­
en regions. According to data reported by students, the highest SES is in
the regions of Osrednjeslovenska and Gorenjska. Regression analysis of
the relationship between SES and CIL achievements in individual regions
showed that by regressing on SES the ranking of regions on the expected
average achievements does not change significantly. With regard to the
findings from previous studies, we could say that the most striking finding
related to the Osrednjeslovenska region, which has the highest SES while
its average CIL achievement is relatively low.
Key words: ICILS study, computer and information literacy, regional dif­
ferences, socio-economic status

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