Page 236 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 3-4: IEA ICILS in druge sodobne teme, ur. Eva Klemenčič
P. 236
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 3–4

dosežki na področju teh kompetenc praviloma neovrednoteni. ICILS ta
problem rešuje mednarodno primerjalno.

Ob nalogah je raziskava pridobila veliko informacij o ozadju učen­
cev, stališča učiteljev in podatke o šoli, ki sta jih v tem primeru prispevala
tako ravnatelj kot skrbnik IKT.

Raziskava ICILS je bila leta 2013 izvedena prvič, kar v kontekstu
mednarodnih raziskav pomeni, da je bil narejen prvi posnetek stanja v iz­
obraževalnih sistemih. V pripravi je nov zajem podatkov, ICILS 2018, ki
bo vključeval tudi preverjanje novih konceptov, a Slovenija v tem zajemu
podatkov zaenkrat (še) ne sodeluje. Za mednarodne raziskave na splošno
velja, da se vrednost in uporabnost podatkov bistveno povečata, ko so na
voljo tudi podatki, ki kažejo trende in omogočajo spremljanje sprememb
dosežkov skozi čas.
Ključne besede: /.../

IEA ICILS: International Computer and Information
Literacy Study

The objective of International Computer and Information Literacy Study
(IEA ICILS) is to measure the outcomes of pupils (usually 8th graders) in
the field of computer and information literacy. This objective deals with
an innovative methodological approach. Computer and information lite­
racy is defined as the individual‘s ability to use a computer to explore, cre­
ate and communicate, to cooperate effectively at home, at school, in the
workplace and in the community. The ICILS computer and information
literacy scale is defined at four proficiency levels. The division between le­
vels 1/2 and levels 3 and 4 is essential since they imply the autonomous use
of ICT in solving problems. Cognitive tasks given to students to assess
their abilities in the field of computer and information literacy are delive­
red by a specially developed for this purpose digital environment. This en­
vironment has two important characteristics: first, a methodologically so­
lid measure of pupils’ outcomes, and at the same time, this measurement
takes place in the digital environment and authentic tasks. It is therefore
innovative research that tackles areas where access to student achievement
is rather limited. In computer and information literacy, it is in fact mainly
in the area of transversal skills (in Slovenian primary schools, for example,
a compulsory subject related to ICT does not exist). However, this corre­
sponds to a significant problem when the education system is recognized
and emphasized the importance of key competences, which usually in­
cludes digital competence, but also the achievements in this competency
which is normally non-measured. The ICILS solves this problem through
international comparison.

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