Page 238 - Šolsko polje, XXVII, 2016, no. 3-4: IEA ICILS in druge sodobne teme, ur. Eva Klemenčič
P. 238
šolsko polje, letnik xxvii, številka 3–4
jo nižji SES, v isti šoli. Te ugotovitve lahko kažejo, da je lahko uporaba
IKT v šoli neučinkovita. Dejanski razkorak je lahko med domom in šolo,
kar lahko temelji tudi na številnih osnovnih osebnostnih karakteristikah,
ki so povezane z SES-om. Na primer vrsta uporabe računalnika doma se
med učenci z visokim in nizkim SES močno razlikuje. Naša analiza ugo­
tavlja, da v povprečju 2/3 učencev sodelujočih šolskih sistemov uporablja
digitalne naprave na katerikoli lokaciji za namene študija enkrat na mesec
ali manj in le polovica jih uporablja za študijske namene izven šole enkrat
na mesec ali manj.
Ključne besede: računalniška in informacijska pismenost, digitalni razko­
rak, socialno-ekonomski status

The Digital Divide: The Role of Socioeconomic Status
across Countries

Digital technologies permeate every aspect of modern society, enabling us
to perform tasks faster and more efficiently. The availability of the techno­
logy and access to it, however, do not guarantee its effective or efficient use
without possessing the necessary competencies. Digital competence is the
key to using technologies efficiently in modern society, it is also an impor­
tant prerequisite for success in the labour market. However, differences
between individuals in this domain exist and are rooted in different in­
dividual and contextual characteristics. This study uses Grade 8 students’
data from the IEA’s International Computer and Information Literacy
Study (ICILS) 2013 to explore the “digital divide” based on socio-econo­
mic status (SES) in a specific domain of digital competence – Compu­
ter and Information Literacy (CIL). The study results show that SES CIL
gaps are found in almost all countries participated in ICILS 2013. These
gaps do not disappear after controlling for the school ICT characteristics.
Strong and significant school SES effects on CIL were found in all edu­
cation systems. In addition, there are school SES compositional effects in
two thirds of the education systems. Somewhat soothing is that in most
education systems there was no interaction effect between SES on indi­
vidual and school level, and where such effect was found, it was negative
– the higher SES students are not advantaged compared to low SES stu­
dents in the same schools. These findings indicate that the implementati­
on of ICT at school may be ineffective. The actual divide may be between
home and school based on more basic personal characteristics related to
SES. For example, the type of computer use at home differs largely betwe­
en students from high and low SES families. This study finds that on the
average two thirds of students in the analysed countries use digital devi­

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