Page 240 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, št. 1-2: Bralna (ne)pismenost, ur. Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 240
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 1–2
have seen a slow change in the ‘leading’ disciplines – with the greater role
given to developmental psychology, speech therapy, pedagogy and neuro
science. This has brought some accompanying changes: the corpus of gath
ered data has rapidly grown and the correlation between socio-economic
status and child development was given more focus (and was more concise
ly outlined) than ever before. And alongside that – the authors have shift
ed attention toward factors of early familial environments and their role
in ‘social reproduction’: in the social inheritance of developmental defi
cits in disadvantaged children. But this growing body of data (gathered
with standardized instruments and new technology) has allowed some
theoretical “fluidity”. Previous models were replaced with less coherent
descriptive categories. For example; the social class was transformed into
“socio-economic index” or “status” and has lately dispersed to numerous
descriptive remarks on the “quality” of familial environment and parent
ing strategies (of privileged/disadvantaged parents). Considering linguis
tic categories: authors have dropped attempts to study semantic, semiot
ic, and contextual aspects of language use and have focused solely on the
lexical and syntactical attributes of particular environments and speak
ers. These changes have abruptly broken the line of causality that was de
veloped by Bernstein and systemic functional linguistics. The “stream”
of discursive reproduction of inequality has lost its previous interpreta
tive power. But not only that – the new research has unforeseen conse
quences. For example, individualisation of social inequality; the blaming
of (poor) parents for their seeming inability to provide enough linguistic
stimulation. And lastly the reduction of complex relations of social ine
quality on some (calculable) developmental pathologies in disadvantaged
children – that one can measure and “repair” thorough pedagogic/thera
peutic means.
Key words: discursive inequality, speech and language development, di
sadvantaged social groups, individualisation, social inequality, social
Matej Rovšek
Ena izmed značilnosti slovenskega osnovnošolskega sistema je vzpore
dnost dveh skupin šol – rednih in šol za nekatere skupine otrok s poseb
nimi potrebami. Tako sodimo v čedalje manjšo množico držav (EASIE,
2018), ki ima za nekaj več kot 2 % učencev s posebnimi potrebami povsem
ločene šole. Čeprav sta obe skupini šol del istega izobraževalnega sistema,
have seen a slow change in the ‘leading’ disciplines – with the greater role
given to developmental psychology, speech therapy, pedagogy and neuro
science. This has brought some accompanying changes: the corpus of gath
ered data has rapidly grown and the correlation between socio-economic
status and child development was given more focus (and was more concise
ly outlined) than ever before. And alongside that – the authors have shift
ed attention toward factors of early familial environments and their role
in ‘social reproduction’: in the social inheritance of developmental defi
cits in disadvantaged children. But this growing body of data (gathered
with standardized instruments and new technology) has allowed some
theoretical “fluidity”. Previous models were replaced with less coherent
descriptive categories. For example; the social class was transformed into
“socio-economic index” or “status” and has lately dispersed to numerous
descriptive remarks on the “quality” of familial environment and parent
ing strategies (of privileged/disadvantaged parents). Considering linguis
tic categories: authors have dropped attempts to study semantic, semiot
ic, and contextual aspects of language use and have focused solely on the
lexical and syntactical attributes of particular environments and speak
ers. These changes have abruptly broken the line of causality that was de
veloped by Bernstein and systemic functional linguistics. The “stream”
of discursive reproduction of inequality has lost its previous interpreta
tive power. But not only that – the new research has unforeseen conse
quences. For example, individualisation of social inequality; the blaming
of (poor) parents for their seeming inability to provide enough linguistic
stimulation. And lastly the reduction of complex relations of social ine
quality on some (calculable) developmental pathologies in disadvantaged
children – that one can measure and “repair” thorough pedagogic/thera
peutic means.
Key words: discursive inequality, speech and language development, di
sadvantaged social groups, individualisation, social inequality, social
Matej Rovšek
Ena izmed značilnosti slovenskega osnovnošolskega sistema je vzpore
dnost dveh skupin šol – rednih in šol za nekatere skupine otrok s poseb
nimi potrebami. Tako sodimo v čedalje manjšo množico držav (EASIE,
2018), ki ima za nekaj več kot 2 % učencev s posebnimi potrebami povsem
ločene šole. Čeprav sta obe skupini šol del istega izobraževalnega sistema,