Page 235 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, št. 1-2: Bralna (ne)pismenost, ur. Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 235
povzetki ■ abstracts
prispevku nas je zanimalo, kateri so najpomembnejši napovedniki zado­
voljstva z življenjem v šolskem okolju. Metodo multiple regresijske anali­
ze smo izvedli na podatkih raziskave PISA 2018. V analizo je bilo vklju­
čenih 4810 15-letnikov. V model smo vključili sedem indeksov: občutek
pripadnosti šoli, pogostost medvrstniškega nasilja, disciplino med pou­
kom slovenščine, navdušenje učitelja pri pouku slovenščine, zaznavo uči­
teljeve opore pri pouku slovenščine, usmerjeno poučevanje med poukom
slovenščine in zaznavo povratne informacije. Dobili smo statistično zna­
čilen model petih pomembnih dejavnikov šolske klime, ki pojasni 12,1 %
skupne variance zadovoljstva z življenjem. 15-letniki so z življenjem bolj
zadovoljni, kadar občutijo večjo pripadnost šoli, kadar zaznavajo ali do­
življajo malo vrstniškega nasilja, kadar zaznavajo oporo s strani učiteljev
med poukom, dobijo natančne usmeritve za delo in dobijo formativno po­
vratno informacijo.
Ključne besede: šolska klima, zadovoljstvo z življenjem, mladostniki, PISA
Life satisfaction depends, on the one hand, on the subjective character­
istics of the individual and on the other hand on environmental factors.
The school climate is strongly connected with the adolescents’ everyday
experience and self-evaluation, and teachers are important adults in this
environment who can enhance their feelings and beliefs. We were inter­
ested in the main predictors of life satisfaction in the school environment.
The multiple regression analysis was conducted on the PISA 2018. The
analysis included 4810 15-year-olds. We included seven predictors in the
model: a sense of belonging to the school, the frequency of peer violence,
the disciplinary climate, the teacher’s enthusiasm, the teacher’s support,
teacher-directed instruction and the teacher’s feedback. The five-predic­
tor model explains 12.1% of the total variance in life satisfaction and is sta­
tistically significant. Adolescents are more satisfied with their lives when
they experience higher school belonging, when they perceive or experi­
ence less violence from peers, when they perceive or experience support
from teachers during lessons, when they receive precise instructions for
their work and when they receive formative feedback.
Key words: school climate, life satisfaction, adolescents, PISA 2018

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