Page 232 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, št. 1-2: Bralna (ne)pismenost, ur. Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 232
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 1–2

In the first part, we highlight the general achievement in reading liter­
acy amongst Slovenian 15-year-olds in terms of the efforts of the school
system (Ministry of Education, Science and Sport) and the National
Education Institute Slovenia for the development of this literacy in the
last two decades. We also highlight some systemic changes for enhanc­
ing the development of reading literacy (e.g., Council Recommendation
on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning; the National Strategy for the
Development of Reading Literacy for the period 2019-2030).
In the second part of the article, we try to explain the substantial differ­
ences in reading achievement and motivation in Slovenian students with
regard to gender. Using a biopsychosocial model (Halpern, 2012) and re­
search pointing to the origins of gender differences, we point to some crit­
ical areas in the development of reading literacy and to possible ways to re­
duce these differences.
Finally, we emphasize some characteristics of a stimulating learning envi­
ronment in the Slovenian language course for the development of reading
literacy, as perceived by students (teacher enthusiasm, perceived learning
and emotional support of teachers and providing feedback to students)
and compare them with the perceived learning environment of students
in other OECD countries. We draw attention to caution in the interpre­
tation of the results, especially in the (direct and causal) relationships be­
tween some teacher characteristics and students’ individual variables -
reading motivation and achievement in reading literacy.
Keywords: reading literacy, Slovenian students, gender differences, rea­
ding motivation, stimulating learning environment

Marjan Šimenc and Mojca Štraus

Da prepričanja o (ne)spremenljivosti inteligentnosti pomembno vpliva­
jo na spoznavne procese in učenje posameznika, sodi med dvajset naj­
pomembnejših psiholoških načel za poučevanje in učenje mladih (APA,
2015). Raziskovanje teh prepričanj, katerih pole poimenujemo fiksna ozi­
roma razvojna miselnost, nakazuje, da lahko fiksna miselnost predstavlja
pomembno oviro za uspešno učenje. V članku na osnovi podatkov PISA
2018 raziskujemo pojavnost fiksne miselnosti med slovenskimi 15-letniki,
osrednje zanimanje pa posvečamo kontekstu, ki ga ti miselnosti oblikuje­
ta za odnos med bralno pismenostjo in bralno samopodobo. Ukvarjamo
se z vprašanjem, ali se razlikujejo bralne samopodobe približno enako

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