Page 234 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, št. 1-2: Bralna (ne)pismenost, ur. Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 234
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 1–2
question of whether there is a difference in reading self-concepts for stu
dents with similar reading literacy but different mindsets.
We found that there are no gender differences in the proportion of stu
dents with fixed mindsets and, as expected, somewhat higher propor
tions of low-achieving students have fixed mindsets in comparisons with
high-achieving students. Differences amongst reading self-concepts of
boys and girls are well-known. Our analyses further revealed the with
in-gender differences in self-concepts between those with fixed and those
with growth mindset; girls or boys with a growth mindset have, on aver
age, higher reading literacy, higher self-concept and enjoy reading more
than girls or boys with a fixed mindset. If these comparisons are fur
ther adjusted only to students with similarly low levels of reading litera
cy, we find that students with average-low reading literacy have a similar
self-concept of reading competence regardless of their mindset, their per
ceptions of how many difficulties they have in reading in general and on
the PISA reading test are, however, very different. While girls with aver
age-low reading literacy and a growth mindset are perceived to have an
average (within the group of average-low readers) amount of problems in
both reading in general and in the PISA test, girls with average-low read
ing literacy and a fixed mindset are perceived to have more of such prob
lems – despite being similarly successful on the PISA test. Boys with av
erage-low reading literacy of both mindsets reported fewer difficulties in
reading in general than girls – even though their reading achievements are
similar. However, fewer problems on the PISA test were reported by boys
with average-low reading literacy and a growth mindset, while those with
a fixed mindset, interestingly, reported a similar amount of these prob
lems as girls with average-low reading literacy and a growth mindset. The
effects of a fixed mindset therefore seem to show in some cases in an inap
propriate self-assessment of reading problems.
Key words: Fixed and growth mindset, reading literacy, reading self-con
cept, PISA study
Neja Markelj in Vedrana Sember
Zaznavanje zadovoljstva z življenjem je odvisno od subjektivnih značilno
sti posameznika na eni strani ter od okoljskih dejavnikov na drugi stra
ni. Šolska klima je močno povezana z vsakdanjim doživljanjem in samo
vrednotenjem 15-letnikov, učitelji pa so pomembni odrasli v tem okolju,
ki lahko usmerjajo in prevrednotijo njihove občutke ter prepričanja. V
question of whether there is a difference in reading self-concepts for stu
dents with similar reading literacy but different mindsets.
We found that there are no gender differences in the proportion of stu
dents with fixed mindsets and, as expected, somewhat higher propor
tions of low-achieving students have fixed mindsets in comparisons with
high-achieving students. Differences amongst reading self-concepts of
boys and girls are well-known. Our analyses further revealed the with
in-gender differences in self-concepts between those with fixed and those
with growth mindset; girls or boys with a growth mindset have, on aver
age, higher reading literacy, higher self-concept and enjoy reading more
than girls or boys with a fixed mindset. If these comparisons are fur
ther adjusted only to students with similarly low levels of reading litera
cy, we find that students with average-low reading literacy have a similar
self-concept of reading competence regardless of their mindset, their per
ceptions of how many difficulties they have in reading in general and on
the PISA reading test are, however, very different. While girls with aver
age-low reading literacy and a growth mindset are perceived to have an
average (within the group of average-low readers) amount of problems in
both reading in general and in the PISA test, girls with average-low read
ing literacy and a fixed mindset are perceived to have more of such prob
lems – despite being similarly successful on the PISA test. Boys with av
erage-low reading literacy of both mindsets reported fewer difficulties in
reading in general than girls – even though their reading achievements are
similar. However, fewer problems on the PISA test were reported by boys
with average-low reading literacy and a growth mindset, while those with
a fixed mindset, interestingly, reported a similar amount of these prob
lems as girls with average-low reading literacy and a growth mindset. The
effects of a fixed mindset therefore seem to show in some cases in an inap
propriate self-assessment of reading problems.
Key words: Fixed and growth mindset, reading literacy, reading self-con
cept, PISA study
Neja Markelj in Vedrana Sember
Zaznavanje zadovoljstva z življenjem je odvisno od subjektivnih značilno
sti posameznika na eni strani ter od okoljskih dejavnikov na drugi stra
ni. Šolska klima je močno povezana z vsakdanjim doživljanjem in samo
vrednotenjem 15-letnikov, učitelji pa so pomembni odrasli v tem okolju,
ki lahko usmerjajo in prevrednotijo njihove občutke ter prepričanja. V