Page 157 - Klaudija Šterman Ivančič, Urška Štremfel, Igor Peras in Barbara Japelj Pavešić • Občutek pripadnosti šoli, dobrobit in učna uspešnost učencev in učenk: vpogledi mednarodnih raziskav znanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023
P. 157
l i t er at u r a
Thompson, D. R., Iachan, R., Overpeck, M., Ross, J. G., in Gross, L. A. (2006).
School Connectedness in the Health Behavior in School-Aged Children
Study: The Role of Student, School, and School Neighborhood Characte-
ristics. Journal of School Health, 76(7), 379–386. Https://
Tian, L., Zhang, L., Huebner, E. S., Zheng, X., in Liu, W. (2016). The Longitudi-
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School Among Elementary School Students. Applied Research in Quality
of Life, 11(4), 1269–1285. Https://
Ullman, J. (2022). Trans/Gender-Diverse Students’ Perceptions of Positi-
ve School Climate and Teacher Concern as Factors in School Belo-
nging: Results From an Australian National Study. Teachers College
Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education, 124(8), 145–167. Https://doi.
Uslu, F., in Gizir, S. (2017). School belonging of adolescents: The role of teacher–
student relationships, peer relationships and family Involvement. Edu-
cational Sciences: Theory in Practice, 17, 63–82. Https://
van Houtte, M., in van Maele, D. (2012). Students’ Sense of Belonging in Tech-
nical/Vocational Schools Versus Academic Schools: The Mediating Role
of Faculty Trust in Students. Teachers College Record, 36.
Vaquera, E. (2009). Friendship, educational engagement, and school Belonging:
Comparing Hispanic and White adolescents. Hispanic Journal of Behavi-
oral Sciences, 31(4), 492–514. Https://
Vaz, S., Falkmer, M., Ciccarelli, M., Passmore, A., Parsons, R., Tan, T., in Fal-
kmer, T. (2015). The personal and contextual contributors to school belo-
ngingness among primary school students. PLOS ONE, 10(4), e0123353.
Vygotsky, L. (1962). Thought and language. MIT Press. Https://doi.
Walker, C. O. (2012). Student perceptions of classroom achievement goals as
predictors of belonging and content instrumentality. Social Psychology of
Education, 15(1), 97–107. Https://
Wang, M., in Eccles, J. S. (2012). Adolescent behavioral, emotional, and co-
gnitive engagement trajectories in school and their differential relations
to educational success. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 22(1), 31–39.
Thompson, D. R., Iachan, R., Overpeck, M., Ross, J. G., in Gross, L. A. (2006).
School Connectedness in the Health Behavior in School-Aged Children
Study: The Role of Student, School, and School Neighborhood Characte-
ristics. Journal of School Health, 76(7), 379–386. Https://
Tian, L., Zhang, L., Huebner, E. S., Zheng, X., in Liu, W. (2016). The Longitudi-
nal Relationship Between School Belonging and Subjective Well-Being in
School Among Elementary School Students. Applied Research in Quality
of Life, 11(4), 1269–1285. Https://
Ullman, J. (2022). Trans/Gender-Diverse Students’ Perceptions of Positi-
ve School Climate and Teacher Concern as Factors in School Belo-
nging: Results From an Australian National Study. Teachers College
Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education, 124(8), 145–167. Https://doi.
Uslu, F., in Gizir, S. (2017). School belonging of adolescents: The role of teacher–
student relationships, peer relationships and family Involvement. Edu-
cational Sciences: Theory in Practice, 17, 63–82. Https://
van Houtte, M., in van Maele, D. (2012). Students’ Sense of Belonging in Tech-
nical/Vocational Schools Versus Academic Schools: The Mediating Role
of Faculty Trust in Students. Teachers College Record, 36.
Vaquera, E. (2009). Friendship, educational engagement, and school Belonging:
Comparing Hispanic and White adolescents. Hispanic Journal of Behavi-
oral Sciences, 31(4), 492–514. Https://
Vaz, S., Falkmer, M., Ciccarelli, M., Passmore, A., Parsons, R., Tan, T., in Fal-
kmer, T. (2015). The personal and contextual contributors to school belo-
ngingness among primary school students. PLOS ONE, 10(4), e0123353.
Vygotsky, L. (1962). Thought and language. MIT Press. Https://doi.
Walker, C. O. (2012). Student perceptions of classroom achievement goals as
predictors of belonging and content instrumentality. Social Psychology of
Education, 15(1), 97–107. Https://
Wang, M., in Eccles, J. S. (2012). Adolescent behavioral, emotional, and co-
gnitive engagement trajectories in school and their differential relations
to educational success. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 22(1), 31–39.