Page 141 - Klaudija Šterman Ivančič, Urška Štremfel, Igor Peras in Barbara Japelj Pavešić • Občutek pripadnosti šoli, dobrobit in učna uspešnost učencev in učenk: vpogledi mednarodnih raziskav znanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023
P. 141
l i t er at u r a
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Borgonovi, F., in Ferrara, A. (2020). Academic achievement and sense of belo-
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Babuder, A. (2021). Šolanje v Križankah: Kako je prostor oblikoval pripadnost
dijakov in profesorjev Srednje šole za oblikovanje in fotografijo. Https://re-
Bao, Z., Chen, C., Zhang, W., Jiang, Y., Zhu, J., in Lai, X. (2018). School Connec-
tedness and Chinese Adolescents’ Sleep Problems: A Cross-Lagged Panel
Analysis. Journal of School Health, 88(4), 315–321. Https://
Battistich, V., Schaps, E., in Wilson, N. (2003). Effects of an Elementary Scho-
ol Intervention on Students’ “Connectedness” to School and Social
Adjustment During Middle School. The Journal of Primary Prevention,
24(3), 243–262. Https://
Battistich, V., Solomon, D., Watson, M., in Schaps, E. (1997). Caring scho-
ol communities. Educational Psychologist, 32(3), 137–151. Https://doi.
Baumeister, R. F., in Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: Desire for in-
terpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psycholo-
gical Bulletin, 11(3), 497–529.
Berdajs, A., in Marovič, M. (2018). Socialnopedagoško delovanje učiteljev v po-
klicni šoli. Revija za elementarno izobraževanje, 11(4), 269–292. Https://
Bobnar, P. (2019). Odnos do šole učencev s posebnimi potrebami v večinskih in
specializiranih institucijah. Magistrsko delo, Univerza v Ljubljani, Peda-
goška faulteta. Http://
Bolland, K. A., Bolland, A. C., Bolland, J. M., Church, W. T., Hooper, L. M.,
Jaggers, J. W., in Tomek, S. (2016). Trajectories of School and Community
Connectedness in Adolescence by Gender and Delinquent Behavior: Tra-
jectories of School and Community Connectedness. Journal of Commu-
nity Psychology, 44(5), 602–619. Https://
Bonny, A. E., Britto, M. T., Klostermann, B. K., Hornung, R. W., in Slap, G. B.
(2000). School Disconnectedness: Identifying Adolescents at Risk. Pedia-
trics, 106(5), 1017–1021. Https://
Booker, K. C., in Lim, J. H. (2018). Belongingness and Pedagogy: Engaging
African American Girls in Middle School Mathematics. Youth in Society,
50(8), 1037–1055. Https://
Borgonovi, F., in Ferrara, A. (2020). Academic achievement and sense of belo-
nging among non-native-speaking immigrant students: The role of lingu-