Page 145 - Klaudija Šterman Ivančič, Urška Štremfel, Igor Peras in Barbara Japelj Pavešić • Občutek pripadnosti šoli, dobrobit in učna uspešnost učencev in učenk: vpogledi mednarodnih raziskav znanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023
P. 145
l i t er at u r a
Adolescent Social Work Journal, 30(6), 535–551. Https://
Dukynaite, R., in Dudaite, J. (2017). Influence of school factors on students’
sense of school belonging. The New Educational Review, 47(1), 39–52.
Evropska komisija. (2015). Izobraževanje in usposabljanje 2020. Šolska politika.
Celosten pristop do izobraževanja k zmanjševanju osipa. Sporočila politike
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Evropska komisija. (2022a). Predlog PRIPOROČILO SVETA o poteh do us-
peha v šoli (str. 1–22). Https://
Evropska komisija. (2022b). Education and Training Monitor 2022. Https://
Evropska komisija (2023). Well-being at school.
Faircloth, B. S. (2009). Making the Most of Adolescence: Harnessing the Sear-
ch for Identity to Understand Classroom Belonging. Journal of Adolescent
Research, 24(3), 321–348. Https://
Faircloth, B. S., in Hamm, J. V. (2005). Sense of Belonging Among High School
Students Representing 4 Ethnic Groups. Journal of Youth and Adolescen-
ce, 34(4), 293–309. Https://
Froiland, J. M., Davison, M. L., in Worrell, F. C. (2016). Aloha teachers: Te-
acher autonomy support promotes Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islan-
der students’ motivation, school belonging, course-taking and math
achievement. Social Psychology of Education, 19(4), 879–894. Https://doi.
Frydenberg, E., Care, E., Chan, E., in Freeman, E. (2009). Interrelation-
ships between Coping, School Connectedness and Wellbeing Erica Fry-
denberg. Australian Journal of Education, 53(3), 261–276. Https://doi.
Fulginiti, A., He, A. S., in Negriff, S. (2018). Suicidal because I don’t feel con-
nected or vice versa? A longitudinal study of suicidal ideation and con-
nectedness among child welfare youth. Child Abuse in Neglect, 86, 278–
289. Https://
Adolescent Social Work Journal, 30(6), 535–551. Https://
Dukynaite, R., in Dudaite, J. (2017). Influence of school factors on students’
sense of school belonging. The New Educational Review, 47(1), 39–52.
Evropska komisija. (2015). Izobraževanje in usposabljanje 2020. Šolska politika.
Celosten pristop do izobraževanja k zmanjševanju osipa. Sporočila politike
(str. 1–20). Https://
Evropska komisija. (2022a). Predlog PRIPOROČILO SVETA o poteh do us-
peha v šoli (str. 1–22). Https://
Evropska komisija. (2022b). Education and Training Monitor 2022. Https://
Evropska komisija (2023). Well-being at school.
Faircloth, B. S. (2009). Making the Most of Adolescence: Harnessing the Sear-
ch for Identity to Understand Classroom Belonging. Journal of Adolescent
Research, 24(3), 321–348. Https://
Faircloth, B. S., in Hamm, J. V. (2005). Sense of Belonging Among High School
Students Representing 4 Ethnic Groups. Journal of Youth and Adolescen-
ce, 34(4), 293–309. Https://
Froiland, J. M., Davison, M. L., in Worrell, F. C. (2016). Aloha teachers: Te-
acher autonomy support promotes Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islan-
der students’ motivation, school belonging, course-taking and math
achievement. Social Psychology of Education, 19(4), 879–894. Https://doi.
Frydenberg, E., Care, E., Chan, E., in Freeman, E. (2009). Interrelation-
ships between Coping, School Connectedness and Wellbeing Erica Fry-
denberg. Australian Journal of Education, 53(3), 261–276. Https://doi.
Fulginiti, A., He, A. S., in Negriff, S. (2018). Suicidal because I don’t feel con-
nected or vice versa? A longitudinal study of suicidal ideation and con-
nectedness among child welfare youth. Child Abuse in Neglect, 86, 278–
289. Https://