Page 180 - Karmen Pižorn, Alja Lipavic Oštir in Janja Žmavc, ur. • Obrazi več-/raznojezičnosti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 44
P. 180

Although we hear a lot about sustainability and sustainable develop-
ment, the understanding of these concepts is still poor, which is also
confirmed by the slow implementation of these principles in people’s
way of life. If years ago, we only heard about sustainable development,
nowadays the term sustainability is increasingly used, which indicates
the deeper meaning of this word. The definition of sustainable develop-
ment only emphasizes economic development but not social, societal,
ethical and environmental development. Therefore, instead of sustain-
able development, we speak of a sustainable future, which includes as-
pects of management and maintenance of balance on Earth. As part of
the Erasmus + Problemorientierter Soft CLIL Ansatz für nichtenglischen
FS Unterricht, we conducted a survey on the understanding of sustaina-
bility and sustainable tourism among second year students. The survey
was important because knowledge about sustainability is weak among
young people. The questionnaire contained questions on understand-
ing different aspects of sustainability and sustainable tourism. We con-
ducted it twice, before and after using the module Sustainable Tourism,
with the aim of assessing the impact of this content on students’ un-
derstanding. An important result of the work is the terminological and
content contribution of the understanding of sustainability and sus-
tainable tourism with a focus on young people, especially in the context
of a foreign language.
Keywords: ecosystem, sustainability, sustainable tourism, German lan-

1. Uvod

V prispevku v prvem delu razložimo besedo trajnostnost, ki se nanaša

na precej več kot le na ravnanje z naravnimi viri ter odpadki, ki nastaja-
jo pri proizvodnji dobrin in storitev. Do zdaj se pogosto razprave o trajno-
stnosti nanašajo predvsem na ta materialno-tehniški vidik. Vse bolj pa v
ospredje prihajajo potrebe po širšem razumevanju tega pojma in v nada-
ljevanju predstavljamo holistični koncept trajnostnosti v družbeno/kultur-
nem, ekonomskem, okoljskem, tehnološkem in individualnem kontekstu.

Širše razumevanje trajnostnosti je nujno zaradi sprememb, ki so
potrebne za dolgoročno odgovorno življenje na Zemlji. Tudi v projektu Pro-
blemorientierter Soft CLIL Ansatz für nichtenglischen FS-Unterricht smo
sledili takemu širšemu razumevanju trajnosti in dijakom postavili v vpra-
šalnikih trditve iz vseh dimenzij življenja, nato pa spremljali njihovo razu-

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