Page 18 - Karmen Pižorn, Alja Lipavic Oštir in Janja Žmavc, ur. • Obrazi več-/raznojezičnosti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 44
P. 18

The main aim of the article is to identify third-grade learners’ percep-
tions of language diversity. The theoretical part looks at different lan-
guage teaching approaches which integrate language awareness and
positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. The so-called
pluralistic approaches include, among others, the language awareness
theory, plurilingual education and a range of initiatives commonly
known as “evlang” or “awakening to languages” aimed at sensitizing
learners to linguistic and cultural diversity. In addition, the article pre-
sents several studies focused on examining perceptions of language di-
versity with a special emphasis on studying the perceptions of children
of different age groups. The empirical part of the article presents the
results of a study aimed at identifying the languages perceived by the
respondents as part of their linguistic repertoire and the situations in
which the respondents are exposed to different languages. The study is
based on a survey which was conducted on a sample of 472 third-grade
pupils, aged 8/9, from different primary schools in Slovenia which were
involved in the “Languages matter” project. On the basis of the results
we have argued that third-grade pupils show a considerable level of lan-
guage diversity awareness and that they experience language diversity
through a variety of situations in different environments, from summer
holidays on the sea to playing games or watching TV shows.
Keywords: language diversity, plurilingual education, language attitu-
des, language awareness, perceptions of languages

1. Uvod

Kot drugod v Evropi in svetu so danes učitelji v Sloveniji soočeni z je-

zikovno in kulturno raznolikimi razredi, kar od njih zahteva tako razu-
mevanje pojava jezikovne in družbeno-kulturne raznolikosti kot dodatne
kompetence za učinkovito poučevanje v tovrstnih učnih okoljih (Bagnall,
2005; Byram, 2009; Baloh in Bratož, 2019; Čok, 2021). Preučevanje pomena
in vloge jezikovne raznolikosti v kontekstu izobraževanja je moč zaslediti
na različnih področjih, kot so večjezičnost, jezikovno ozaveščanje, raznoje-
zično izobraževanje in drugih. Skupno omenjenim področjem in prizade-
vanjem je zlasti spodbujanje pozitivnih stališč, vendar ne le do določenih
jezikov in kultur, temveč do jezikov in kultur na sploh. To je tudi osnovni
cilj projekta Jeziki štejejo (, katerega namen je
prepoznati in promovirati dejavnike, ki prispevajo k ustvarjanju podpor-
nega učnega okolja za razvoj raznojezičnosti v slovenskem šolskem pros-
toru, in s tem omogočiti ozaveščeno sprejemanje različnih jezikovnih in

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