Page 170 - Karmen Pižorn, Alja Lipavic Oštir in Janja Žmavc, ur. • Obrazi več-/raznojezičnosti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 44
P. 170
dholtz, J. (2000). Interdisciplinary Team Teaching as a Form of Professio-
nal Development. Teacher Education Quarterly, 27(3), 39–50.
Serra, C. (2007). Assessing CLIL at Primary School: A Longitudinal Study. In-
ternational Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10(5), 582–
Surmont, J., Struys, E., Van Den Noort, M. in Van De Craen, P. (2016). The
effects of CLIL on mathematical content learning: A longitudinal study.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 6 (2), 319–337. https://
Tarasenkova, N. A., Akulenko, I., Kulish, I. in Nekoz, I. (2020). Preconditions
and Preparatory Steps of Implementing CLIL for Future Mathematics Te-
achers. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(3), 971–982. https://
Tejkalova Prochazkova, L. (2013). Mathematics for language, language for
mathematics. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education,
1(1), 23–28.
Vlasenko, K. V., Lovyanova, I. V., Chumak, O. O., Sitak, I. V. in Kalashnykova,
T. S. (2019). The formation of foreign language competence of engineering
students through CLIL-method. Revista Dilemas contemporáneos: Edu-
cación, Política y Valores. Year VIII, Special Edition, (68).
Volmer, E., Grabner, R. H. in Saalbach, H. (2017). Language switching costs
in bilingual mathematics learning: Transfer effects and individual di-
fferences. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 21, 71–96. https://doi.
Priloga: Učne enote in njihova okvirna vsebina
Navajamo posamezne učne enote, omenjene v prispevku, ter za vsako nas-
lednje podatke: naslov, (A) cilje in kompetence, (B) problemsko orientiran
kontekst in (C) didaktične nasvete.
Naslov: Kaj bomo potrebovali v prihodnosti?
A/ Cilji in kompetence
Tuji jezik: Učenci opisujejo odnose med osebami, aktivno usvajajo novo be-
sedišče na temo start-up in besede z besednega polja, povezanega z bio ja-
bolčnim sokom in vrstami jabolk, receptivno usvajajo matematične pojme.
Spretnosti: branje, govorjenje.
nal Development. Teacher Education Quarterly, 27(3), 39–50.
Serra, C. (2007). Assessing CLIL at Primary School: A Longitudinal Study. In-
ternational Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10(5), 582–
Surmont, J., Struys, E., Van Den Noort, M. in Van De Craen, P. (2016). The
effects of CLIL on mathematical content learning: A longitudinal study.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 6 (2), 319–337. https://
Tarasenkova, N. A., Akulenko, I., Kulish, I. in Nekoz, I. (2020). Preconditions
and Preparatory Steps of Implementing CLIL for Future Mathematics Te-
achers. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(3), 971–982. https://
Tejkalova Prochazkova, L. (2013). Mathematics for language, language for
mathematics. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education,
1(1), 23–28.
Vlasenko, K. V., Lovyanova, I. V., Chumak, O. O., Sitak, I. V. in Kalashnykova,
T. S. (2019). The formation of foreign language competence of engineering
students through CLIL-method. Revista Dilemas contemporáneos: Edu-
cación, Política y Valores. Year VIII, Special Edition, (68).
Volmer, E., Grabner, R. H. in Saalbach, H. (2017). Language switching costs
in bilingual mathematics learning: Transfer effects and individual di-
fferences. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 21, 71–96. https://doi.
Priloga: Učne enote in njihova okvirna vsebina
Navajamo posamezne učne enote, omenjene v prispevku, ter za vsako nas-
lednje podatke: naslov, (A) cilje in kompetence, (B) problemsko orientiran
kontekst in (C) didaktične nasvete.
Naslov: Kaj bomo potrebovali v prihodnosti?
A/ Cilji in kompetence
Tuji jezik: Učenci opisujejo odnose med osebami, aktivno usvajajo novo be-
sedišče na temo start-up in besede z besednega polja, povezanega z bio ja-
bolčnim sokom in vrstami jabolk, receptivno usvajajo matematične pojme.
Spretnosti: branje, govorjenje.