Page 108 - Karmen Pižorn, Alja Lipavic Oštir in Janja Žmavc, ur. • Obrazi več-/raznojezičnosti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 44
P. 108
In the paper, the results of the analysis of the plurilingual lessons in the
kindergartens and schools as the “Languages matter” project partners.
As part of the plurilingual lessons description, the resources of the Fra-
mework of References for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cul-
tures (FREPA) were used. The plurilingual lessons have been analysed
according to the criteria: school subject level or interdisciplinary level,
languages used, pluralistic approach and FREPA resources. It has been
established that the plurilingual and pluricultural competence has been
developing both on the subject as well as on the interdisciplinary le-
vel. In the lessons, all four pluralistic approaches have been implemen-
ted, the intercultural approach, intercomprehension, awakening to lan-
guages and the integrated didactic approach. During the lessons, 181
FREPA resources have been activated, from all three areas: knowledge,
attitudes and skills. The implementation of the FREPA resources in the
analysis of lesson examples has shown that the development of the plu-
rilingual and pluricultural competence is a complex process; it pursu-
es much more than only the learning goals of school subjects, it activa-
tes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes, and often results in higher
quality of teaching and student’ knowledge. This is its added value – fos-
tering and activating the whole language and cultural repertoire of the
individual, linking languages and cultures in the concrete environment
and support students to become plurilingual and pluricultural spea-
Keywords: plurilingualism, plurilingual practices, Framework of the
References for Pluralistic Approaches, project Languages matter
1. Uvod
Raznojezična in raznokulturna zmožnost ima v izobraževanju poseb-
no mesto, zlasti pri pouku tujih jezikov (Skela, 2017) in vključevanju prise-
ljencev v pouk (Vižintin, 2014). Je sestavni del izobraževalnih programov
po vsej Evropi, kar je tudi posledica prizadevanj Sveta Evrope in Evropske
unije (v nadaljevanju EU) pri spodbujanju raznojezičnega, večjezičnega in
medkulturnega izobraževanja v jezikovno in kulturno pestrem evropskem
okolju. Večjezičnost oz. raznojezičnost zasledimo v temeljnem načelu EU
ter prepoznamo v njenem sloganu »združena v raznolikosti«. Kljub dolgo-
letnim prizadevanjem EU na tem področju je bilo ugotovljeno, da se razno-
jezična in raznokulturna zmožnost v izobraževanju ne razvija v zadostni
meri. Zato je Svet Evropske unije 2019 sprejel Priporočila o celovitem pris-
topu k poučevanju in učenju jezikov, v katerih ima okrepitev večjezičnosti
In the paper, the results of the analysis of the plurilingual lessons in the
kindergartens and schools as the “Languages matter” project partners.
As part of the plurilingual lessons description, the resources of the Fra-
mework of References for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cul-
tures (FREPA) were used. The plurilingual lessons have been analysed
according to the criteria: school subject level or interdisciplinary level,
languages used, pluralistic approach and FREPA resources. It has been
established that the plurilingual and pluricultural competence has been
developing both on the subject as well as on the interdisciplinary le-
vel. In the lessons, all four pluralistic approaches have been implemen-
ted, the intercultural approach, intercomprehension, awakening to lan-
guages and the integrated didactic approach. During the lessons, 181
FREPA resources have been activated, from all three areas: knowledge,
attitudes and skills. The implementation of the FREPA resources in the
analysis of lesson examples has shown that the development of the plu-
rilingual and pluricultural competence is a complex process; it pursu-
es much more than only the learning goals of school subjects, it activa-
tes students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes, and often results in higher
quality of teaching and student’ knowledge. This is its added value – fos-
tering and activating the whole language and cultural repertoire of the
individual, linking languages and cultures in the concrete environment
and support students to become plurilingual and pluricultural spea-
Keywords: plurilingualism, plurilingual practices, Framework of the
References for Pluralistic Approaches, project Languages matter
1. Uvod
Raznojezična in raznokulturna zmožnost ima v izobraževanju poseb-
no mesto, zlasti pri pouku tujih jezikov (Skela, 2017) in vključevanju prise-
ljencev v pouk (Vižintin, 2014). Je sestavni del izobraževalnih programov
po vsej Evropi, kar je tudi posledica prizadevanj Sveta Evrope in Evropske
unije (v nadaljevanju EU) pri spodbujanju raznojezičnega, večjezičnega in
medkulturnega izobraževanja v jezikovno in kulturno pestrem evropskem
okolju. Večjezičnost oz. raznojezičnost zasledimo v temeljnem načelu EU
ter prepoznamo v njenem sloganu »združena v raznolikosti«. Kljub dolgo-
letnim prizadevanjem EU na tem področju je bilo ugotovljeno, da se razno-
jezična in raznokulturna zmožnost v izobraževanju ne razvija v zadostni
meri. Zato je Svet Evropske unije 2019 sprejel Priporočila o celovitem pris-
topu k poučevanju in učenju jezikov, v katerih ima okrepitev večjezičnosti