Page 387 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 387
o avtorjih
Jasmina Mirceva is employed at the Slovenian Institute for Adult Educa-
tion, working as a senior researcher. Her research endeavours are mainly
dedicated to the development of the concept of lifelong learning, participa-
tion in adult education, adult literacy, education and training of the labour
force, etc. She has improved her professional knowledge at the University
of British Columbia (Vancouver, Kanada), Businness and Innovation Cen-
tre (Sunderland, Great Britain) and Institute for adult education (Strobl,
Avstrija). In the last couple of years she has been leading several national
research and development projects on: participation in adult education, de-
velopment of the programme primary school for adults, evaluation of adult
education programmes and other initiatives. She participated in some Eu-
ropean projects: Towards the European Lifelong Learning Society – 6th
Framework programme, Strategies for Inclusion and Social Cohesion in
Europe from Education (INCLUDED) - 6th Framework programme. She is
a coordinator in the preparation of the national CONFINTEA reports. She
was the head of the research group in the Programme for the International
Assessment of Adult Competences (PIAAC).
Mirna Macur je po osnovni izobrazbi diplomirana sociologinja smeri druž-
boslovna informatika. Doktorirala je iz sociologije in je na različnih fa-
kultetah (Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici, Fakulte-
ta za informacijske študije v Novem mestu, Fakulteta za medije, Fakulteta
za zdravstvo Angele Boškin) učila metodološke predmete. Sodelovala je na
številnih mednarodnih konferencah in objavila izsledke raziskav v znan-
stvenih revijah z recenzentskim postopkom. Zanimajo jo raziskave s pod-
ročja zdravstva in zdravja, še posebno nekemičnih (vedenjskih) zasvoje-
nosti. Od leta 2014-2017 je bila zaposlena na Nacionalnem inštitutu za javno
zdravje, trenutno pa je visokošolska učiteljica na Fakulteti za zdravstvo An-
gele Boškin.
Mirna Macur finalised Bachelor degree in the area of Social Informat-
ics and finished her Ph.D. in Sociology. She taught many methodological
courses on various faculties in Slovenia: School of Advanced Social Stud-
ies in Nova Gorica, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto, Facul-
ty of media in Ljubljana, Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care in Jesenice.
She was active speaker in many international conferences and published
various research results in scientific journals. She is particularly interest-
ed in health and health-care related research as well as behavioral addic-
Jasmina Mirceva is employed at the Slovenian Institute for Adult Educa-
tion, working as a senior researcher. Her research endeavours are mainly
dedicated to the development of the concept of lifelong learning, participa-
tion in adult education, adult literacy, education and training of the labour
force, etc. She has improved her professional knowledge at the University
of British Columbia (Vancouver, Kanada), Businness and Innovation Cen-
tre (Sunderland, Great Britain) and Institute for adult education (Strobl,
Avstrija). In the last couple of years she has been leading several national
research and development projects on: participation in adult education, de-
velopment of the programme primary school for adults, evaluation of adult
education programmes and other initiatives. She participated in some Eu-
ropean projects: Towards the European Lifelong Learning Society – 6th
Framework programme, Strategies for Inclusion and Social Cohesion in
Europe from Education (INCLUDED) - 6th Framework programme. She is
a coordinator in the preparation of the national CONFINTEA reports. She
was the head of the research group in the Programme for the International
Assessment of Adult Competences (PIAAC).
Mirna Macur je po osnovni izobrazbi diplomirana sociologinja smeri druž-
boslovna informatika. Doktorirala je iz sociologije in je na različnih fa-
kultetah (Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici, Fakulte-
ta za informacijske študije v Novem mestu, Fakulteta za medije, Fakulteta
za zdravstvo Angele Boškin) učila metodološke predmete. Sodelovala je na
številnih mednarodnih konferencah in objavila izsledke raziskav v znan-
stvenih revijah z recenzentskim postopkom. Zanimajo jo raziskave s pod-
ročja zdravstva in zdravja, še posebno nekemičnih (vedenjskih) zasvoje-
nosti. Od leta 2014-2017 je bila zaposlena na Nacionalnem inštitutu za javno
zdravje, trenutno pa je visokošolska učiteljica na Fakulteti za zdravstvo An-
gele Boškin.
Mirna Macur finalised Bachelor degree in the area of Social Informat-
ics and finished her Ph.D. in Sociology. She taught many methodological
courses on various faculties in Slovenia: School of Advanced Social Stud-
ies in Nova Gorica, Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto, Facul-
ty of media in Ljubljana, Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care in Jesenice.
She was active speaker in many international conferences and published
various research results in scientific journals. She is particularly interest-
ed in health and health-care related research as well as behavioral addic-