Page 391 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 391
o avtorjih
ževalnimi trendi in družinskimi konteksti. Njena doktorska disertacija se
osredotoča na medkulturno primerjavo učinkov različnih vrst starševskih
stilov med mladimi.
Tina Cupar is a Teaching Assistant at the Department of Sociology, Uni-
versity of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia and a researcher at the Cen-
ter for the Study of Post-Socialist Societies (CePSS). Her research interests
include youth outcomes, education patterns and family contexts. Her PhD
thesis focuses on cross-cultural analysis of outcomes of different parenting
styles among youth.
Danijela Lahe je docentka na Oddelku za sociologijo na Filozofski fakulte-
ti Univerze v Mariboru in članica Centra za raziskovanje postsocialističnih
družb (CePSS). Njeni raziskovalni interesi vključujejo sociologijo družine,
sociologijo izobraževanja, gerontologijo, s posebnim poudarkom na age-
izmu med mladimi in na medgeneracijskem sodelovanju.
Danijela Lahe is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology,
University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia and a researcher at the
Center for the Study of Post-Socialist Societies (CePSS). Her research inter-
ests include sociology of family, sociology of education, gerontology, with
a particular focus on ageism among youth and on intergenerational coop-
Alenka Lipovec je redna profesorica za področje didaktike matematike.
Raziskovalno se osredotoča na razvoj zgodnjih matematičnih pojmov, star-
ševsko vključevanje v pouk matematike, vizualne reprezentacije matema-
tičnih pojmov in osmišljeno uporabo IKT pri pouku matematike. Z e-uče-
njem se je pričela ukvarjati kot članica ožje ekipe e-um, ki je prerasla v
ekipo ustvarjalcev naprednih, interaktivnih prosto dostopnih i-učbenikov,
trenutno deluje na vzpostavitvi skupne izobraževalne točke odprtih izo-
braževalnih virov.
Alenka Lipovec, PhD, is a full professor in the field of mathematics educa-
tion. His research focuses on developing early mathematical concepts, the
involvement of parents in mathematics education, visual representations
of mathematical concepts, and the meaningful use of ICT in mathemati-
cs education. She started her work in e-learning as a member of the e-um
team, which has evolved into a group of creators of advanced, interactive,
free-to-use i-textbooks, and is currently working on building an open, col-
laborative educational resource.
ževalnimi trendi in družinskimi konteksti. Njena doktorska disertacija se
osredotoča na medkulturno primerjavo učinkov različnih vrst starševskih
stilov med mladimi.
Tina Cupar is a Teaching Assistant at the Department of Sociology, Uni-
versity of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia and a researcher at the Cen-
ter for the Study of Post-Socialist Societies (CePSS). Her research interests
include youth outcomes, education patterns and family contexts. Her PhD
thesis focuses on cross-cultural analysis of outcomes of different parenting
styles among youth.
Danijela Lahe je docentka na Oddelku za sociologijo na Filozofski fakulte-
ti Univerze v Mariboru in članica Centra za raziskovanje postsocialističnih
družb (CePSS). Njeni raziskovalni interesi vključujejo sociologijo družine,
sociologijo izobraževanja, gerontologijo, s posebnim poudarkom na age-
izmu med mladimi in na medgeneracijskem sodelovanju.
Danijela Lahe is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology,
University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia and a researcher at the
Center for the Study of Post-Socialist Societies (CePSS). Her research inter-
ests include sociology of family, sociology of education, gerontology, with
a particular focus on ageism among youth and on intergenerational coop-
Alenka Lipovec je redna profesorica za področje didaktike matematike.
Raziskovalno se osredotoča na razvoj zgodnjih matematičnih pojmov, star-
ševsko vključevanje v pouk matematike, vizualne reprezentacije matema-
tičnih pojmov in osmišljeno uporabo IKT pri pouku matematike. Z e-uče-
njem se je pričela ukvarjati kot članica ožje ekipe e-um, ki je prerasla v
ekipo ustvarjalcev naprednih, interaktivnih prosto dostopnih i-učbenikov,
trenutno deluje na vzpostavitvi skupne izobraževalne točke odprtih izo-
braževalnih virov.
Alenka Lipovec, PhD, is a full professor in the field of mathematics educa-
tion. His research focuses on developing early mathematical concepts, the
involvement of parents in mathematics education, visual representations
of mathematical concepts, and the meaningful use of ICT in mathemati-
cs education. She started her work in e-learning as a member of the e-um
team, which has evolved into a group of creators of advanced, interactive,
free-to-use i-textbooks, and is currently working on building an open, col-
laborative educational resource.