Page 359 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 359
povzetki ■ summaries

Ključne besede: doživljanje nasilja, izvajanje nasilja, kazalniki pozitivnega
razvoja mladih, študentke in študenti

Bullying Among University Students: the Role of Indicators
of Positive Youth Development
Bullying was mostly researched among primary and secondary school stu-
dents, while the student population was overlooked. The results of fore-
ign research show that bullying occurs to a lesser extent in this populati-
on, however, it can also have negative consequences for them. Therefore,
it is crucial to identify which factors contribute to lower incidence of in-
terspecies violence. The purpose of this paper was to investigate bullying
and victimization among university students in Slovenia and to verify the
use of demographic variables and indicators of positive youth development
(competence, self-confidence, character, care and connection) in interper-
sonal violence. The pilot study of the research project Positive Youth De-
velopment: Developmental Pathways in the Context of Migration inclu-
ded 364 university students (80.5 % women) aged from 19 to 28 years (M
= 22.21; SD = 2.20). About one-tenth of male and female students reported
that they bullied or have been bullied at least once in the past month. Gen-
der was a statistically significant predictor of verbal bullying and victimi-
zation, while age was a statistically significant predictor of verbal bullying,
i.e., men were more likely to verbally bully others or being verbally bullied
than women, and younger participants were more likely to be verbal bul-
lies. Caring was a statistically significant negative predictor of verbal and
social bullying, and Connection was a statistically significant negative pre-
dictor of verbal and social victimization. Individuals with a higher level of
empathy and sympathy for others will thus be less likely to bully others,
while those who are more connected to family, peers, colleges and the wi-
der community will be less likely to be victims of bullying.
Keywords: bullying, victimization, indicators of positive youth develo-
pment, university students

Špela Javornik, Pascale Emily Pečnik
Vloga socialno-ekonomskega statusa pri državljanskih
aktivnostih osmošolcev v Sloveniji (Sekundarna analiza
ICCS 2016)
Socialno ekonomskemu statusu navkljub stojijo otrokove pravice, ki bi naj
zagotavljale enakopravnost posameznika in kljubovale močnim ekonom-
skim determinantam in ideološkim izhodiščem posameznih politik, ki s

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