Page 357 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: medsebojni vplivi raziskovanja in prakse. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2021. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 357
zetki ■ summaries

šoli so napovedniki vizualnega nasilja: višji čas aktivne uporabe socialnih
omrežij, višja samozaznana priljubljenost, višja vizualna viktimizacija in
višje besedilno nasilje. Napovedniki besedilnega nasilja v SŠ so moški spol,
višja eksternalizacija jeze, nižja zaznana opora s strani vrstnikov, višja sa-
mozaznana priljubljenost, višja besedilna viktimizacija, višja vizualna vik-
timizacija in višje vizualno nasilje: Predstavljena so priporočila za nadalj-
nje raziskovanje in prakso.

Ključne besede: spletno medvrstniško nasilje, vizualno nasilje, besedilno
nasilje, napovedniki.

Visual and text cyberbullying in primary and upper

secondary school: the role of different psychosocial factors

Cyberbullying is becoming an increasing issue due to technology advance-
ment and can have negative consequences for both cyberbullies and cy-
bervictims. In the present article, we focus on cyberbullying perpetration
classified into visual cyberbullying (sending or posting photos and videos)
and text cyberbullying (sending or posting text messages). Previous studies
found cyberbullying perpetration to be associated with various psychoso-
cial factors that haven’t yet been researched in Slovenia based on the men-
tioned classification. The purpose of the present research was to assess,
how the following variables predict visual cyberbullying perpetration and
text cyberbulying perpetration in primary school and secondary school:
demographic variables (gender, academic achievement, time of active so-
cial network use), anger components (anger internalization, anger exter-
nalization, anger control), peer relationships (self-perceived personali-
ty, perceived peer support), cybervictimization (visual victimization, text
victimization) and cyberbullying perpetration (visual cyberbullying when
predicting text cyberbullying; and text cyberbullying when predicting vi-
sual cyberbullying). 1921 students across 20 Slovenian schools participat-
ed in the study. The upper-primary school sample consists of 695 students
(s5c0h,o9ol%safmemplaelec;onMsaigsets=o1f31,92526yesatursd;eSnDtsag(e6=4,90,%69feymeaarlse); and the secondary
Mage = 16,42 years;
oSDd awgee=re1,p0e0rfyoeramrse).dH. Pierreadricchtoicraslorfevgirseussailocnybanerablyuslilsyiunsginign the enter meth-
primary school
were: higher time of active social network use, lower anger control, high-
er self-perceived popularity, higher visual victimization and higher text cy-
berbullying. Predictors of text cyberbullying in primary school were: high-
er time of active social network use, higher anger externalization, higher
text victimization and higher visual cyberbullying. In the high school sam-

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