Page 369 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 369
povzetki ■ summaries
Horizontal Learning: Teachers As Learners In Continuing
Professional Development
Horizontal learning seems to be a promising strategy for teachers’ contin-
uing professional development in a modern educational paradigm shift.
Through this concept of horizontal learning, teachers share their knowl-
edge, ideas and examples of good practice. In our paper, a special focus
of the concept of horizontal learning will be given to teacher forums, as
a technique that allows teachers to share various examples of good prac-
tice, clarifies the incoherent points of a subject, arouses the interest of audi-
ence/colleague teachers and provides them with active engagement. In the
methodological framework of this paper, we have exemplified some of the
students’ perspectives referring to a change in the teaching process their
teachers performed after the specific exchange of knowledge at teacher fo-
rums. Students’ responses have been analyzed through thematic deductive
analysis, showing that there is a positive relationship between students’ at-
titudes and a new teaching approach shared within teacher forums, com-
pared to traditional teaching methods.
Keywords: horizontal learning, continuing professional development, tea-
cher forums, new paradigm shift, students’ narratives
Maja Kuronja, Majda Schmidt Krajnc
Zaznava samoučinkovitosti učiteljev učencev z učnimi ter
čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami
Proučevali smo zaznavo samoučinkovitost učiteljev učencev z učnimi ter
čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami (UČVT) v redni OŠ in v OŠ pri vzgoj-
nih zavodih. Za ta namen smo uporabili vprašalnik o samoučinkovitosti
učiteljev avtoric Tschannen-Moran in Woolfolk Hoy (2001). Rezultati ka-
žejo, da so učitelji, ki poučujejo na rednih OŠ, učinkovitejši v postavki na
področju sodelovanja z družino učenca z UČVT. Učitelji, ki poučujejo ot-
roke na OŠ pri vzgojnih zavodih, pa izražajo višjo učinkovitost na podro-
čju učenčevega sodelovanja, pri oceni učenčevega razumevanja poučevane
snovi in na področju vodenja razreda, vezanega na obvladovanje motečega
vedenja, na vzpostavljanje rutine in upoštevanja razrednih pravil.
Ključne besede: samoučinkovitost učiteljev, učenci z učnimi ter čustvenimi
in vedenjskimi težavami, osnovna šola, osnovna šola pri vzgojnem zavodu
Horizontal Learning: Teachers As Learners In Continuing
Professional Development
Horizontal learning seems to be a promising strategy for teachers’ contin-
uing professional development in a modern educational paradigm shift.
Through this concept of horizontal learning, teachers share their knowl-
edge, ideas and examples of good practice. In our paper, a special focus
of the concept of horizontal learning will be given to teacher forums, as
a technique that allows teachers to share various examples of good prac-
tice, clarifies the incoherent points of a subject, arouses the interest of audi-
ence/colleague teachers and provides them with active engagement. In the
methodological framework of this paper, we have exemplified some of the
students’ perspectives referring to a change in the teaching process their
teachers performed after the specific exchange of knowledge at teacher fo-
rums. Students’ responses have been analyzed through thematic deductive
analysis, showing that there is a positive relationship between students’ at-
titudes and a new teaching approach shared within teacher forums, com-
pared to traditional teaching methods.
Keywords: horizontal learning, continuing professional development, tea-
cher forums, new paradigm shift, students’ narratives
Maja Kuronja, Majda Schmidt Krajnc
Zaznava samoučinkovitosti učiteljev učencev z učnimi ter
čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami
Proučevali smo zaznavo samoučinkovitost učiteljev učencev z učnimi ter
čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami (UČVT) v redni OŠ in v OŠ pri vzgoj-
nih zavodih. Za ta namen smo uporabili vprašalnik o samoučinkovitosti
učiteljev avtoric Tschannen-Moran in Woolfolk Hoy (2001). Rezultati ka-
žejo, da so učitelji, ki poučujejo na rednih OŠ, učinkovitejši v postavki na
področju sodelovanja z družino učenca z UČVT. Učitelji, ki poučujejo ot-
roke na OŠ pri vzgojnih zavodih, pa izražajo višjo učinkovitost na podro-
čju učenčevega sodelovanja, pri oceni učenčevega razumevanja poučevane
snovi in na področju vodenja razreda, vezanega na obvladovanje motečega
vedenja, na vzpostavljanje rutine in upoštevanja razrednih pravil.
Ključne besede: samoučinkovitost učiteljev, učenci z učnimi ter čustvenimi
in vedenjskimi težavami, osnovna šola, osnovna šola pri vzgojnem zavodu