Page 236 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 236
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
smenosti, kritične pedagogike in protihegemonskih epistemologij iz kon-
ca 20. in začetka 21. stoletja. Avtorica obravnavanim nevladnim organi-
zacijam predlaga inovativne pristope, ki pa so lahko uporabljeni tudi pri
drugih nevladnih organizacijah, ki se ukvarjajo s kritičnimi in transfor-
macijskimi pristopi in projekti, kot tudi za različne formalne, neformal-
ne in priložnostne učne procese. Poleg tega pa predstavi »kritični odprti
kurikul« kot analitično orodje oz. 'pedagoško sredstvo' za bolj demokra-
tičen in participativen pristop v izobraževanju in učenju ter za prema-
govanje epistemološke slepote in političnih dvoumnosti, ki ju je identi-
ficirala kot glavni oviri pri soočanju s sodobnimi izzivi mlajših odraslih.
Ključne besede: kritični odprti kurikul, emancipacijsko učenje, transforma-
cijsko učenje
Critical negotiated curriculum:
Pedagogical guidelines for transformative learning
Article deals with the strategic partnership project Post-YU for learning
emancipation (PYLE, Erasmus+) that tries to find the ways out of the vi-
cious circle of contemporary unemployment among highly and low edu-
cated younger adults in the region of post-Yugoslavian countries. Merging
emancipatory learning with autonomous employment is a challenging task
in the field of adult education and lifelong learning that should be support-
ed with innovative critical suggestions and recommendations as it tries to
be discussed in this article. Based on qualitative research with the members
of the Association Bob from Slovenia, Center for Youth Activism CYA Krik
from Macedonia and Volunteer Centre Istria from Croatia – article ex-
plored how project members perceived their emancipatory and transform-
ative learning and what kind of (if any) transformations they experienced
during their work in the organisation, particularly regarding values and at-
titudes change. Qualitative research with the members of all three NGOs
was based on the focus groups and action research among other and ex-
amined through the consistent overview of the most penetrating scholars
in the field of emancipatory and transformative learning, critical literacy,
critical pedagogy and counter-hegemonic epistemologies in late 20th cen-
tury as well as through the main works of contemporary scholars. Learn-
ing innovations are suggested and discussed for further work of the NGOs
dealing with critical and transformative approaches and projects as well
as for other formal, non-formal as well as informal learning processes in
search for critical, emancipatory and transformative learning and its im-
pact. Besides, ‘critical negotiated curriculum’ is proposed as analytical tool
smenosti, kritične pedagogike in protihegemonskih epistemologij iz kon-
ca 20. in začetka 21. stoletja. Avtorica obravnavanim nevladnim organi-
zacijam predlaga inovativne pristope, ki pa so lahko uporabljeni tudi pri
drugih nevladnih organizacijah, ki se ukvarjajo s kritičnimi in transfor-
macijskimi pristopi in projekti, kot tudi za različne formalne, neformal-
ne in priložnostne učne procese. Poleg tega pa predstavi »kritični odprti
kurikul« kot analitično orodje oz. 'pedagoško sredstvo' za bolj demokra-
tičen in participativen pristop v izobraževanju in učenju ter za prema-
govanje epistemološke slepote in političnih dvoumnosti, ki ju je identi-
ficirala kot glavni oviri pri soočanju s sodobnimi izzivi mlajših odraslih.
Ključne besede: kritični odprti kurikul, emancipacijsko učenje, transforma-
cijsko učenje
Critical negotiated curriculum:
Pedagogical guidelines for transformative learning
Article deals with the strategic partnership project Post-YU for learning
emancipation (PYLE, Erasmus+) that tries to find the ways out of the vi-
cious circle of contemporary unemployment among highly and low edu-
cated younger adults in the region of post-Yugoslavian countries. Merging
emancipatory learning with autonomous employment is a challenging task
in the field of adult education and lifelong learning that should be support-
ed with innovative critical suggestions and recommendations as it tries to
be discussed in this article. Based on qualitative research with the members
of the Association Bob from Slovenia, Center for Youth Activism CYA Krik
from Macedonia and Volunteer Centre Istria from Croatia – article ex-
plored how project members perceived their emancipatory and transform-
ative learning and what kind of (if any) transformations they experienced
during their work in the organisation, particularly regarding values and at-
titudes change. Qualitative research with the members of all three NGOs
was based on the focus groups and action research among other and ex-
amined through the consistent overview of the most penetrating scholars
in the field of emancipatory and transformative learning, critical literacy,
critical pedagogy and counter-hegemonic epistemologies in late 20th cen-
tury as well as through the main works of contemporary scholars. Learn-
ing innovations are suggested and discussed for further work of the NGOs
dealing with critical and transformative approaches and projects as well
as for other formal, non-formal as well as informal learning processes in
search for critical, emancipatory and transformative learning and its im-
pact. Besides, ‘critical negotiated curriculum’ is proposed as analytical tool