Page 295 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 295
o avtorjih
Senior lecturer Dr. Barbara Horvat, has been employed at the Faculty of
Education of the University of Primorska as an assistant of pedagogy since
2010. Before that, she was employed at the Vodmat Primary School in Lju-
bljana. She investigates the learning space, learning methods and activity,
and the connection of values in education over time.
Damir Josipovič je socialni geograf in demograf. Diplomiral, magistriral in
doktoriral je na Filozofski fakulteti, Oddelek za geografijo, Univerza v Lju-
bljani. Njegovi glavni raziskovalni interesi segajo od socialne in humane
geografije do demografskih študij. Bolj specifično gre za interdisciplinarne
in meddisciplinarne teme, kot so migracije, meje, trg dela, socio-ekonom-
ski razvoj in izobraževanje ter metodološka vprašanja in podatkovne ana-
lize. Je avtor ali soavtor več kot sedemdesetih originalnih znanstvenih del
in sedmih znanstvenih monografij. Zaposlen je kot višji znanstveni sodela-
vec na Inštitutu za narodnostna vprašanja.
Damir Josipovič is a social geographer and demographer. His main research
interests cover a variety of topics within social and human geography and
its cross-disciplinary aspects (migration, boundaries, labour market, socio-
-economic development and education, research methodology, data analy-
ses etc.). He has insofar authored or co-authored more than seventy origi-
nal papers and seven scientific monographs. He works as a senior scientific
associate at the Institute for Ethnic Studies.
Nataša Kne je diplomirala iz filozofije na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Na
Gimnaziji Kranj je zaposlena kot koordinatorica mednarodne mature in
učiteljica filozofije. Pred tem je delovala kot novinarka in urednica v različ-
nih medijih. Izkušnje je nabirala pri evropskih projektih in delovala na po-
dročju odnosov z javnostmi. Zanimajo jo ontologija, etika, politična filozo-
fija, filozofija umetnosti in kozmologija.
Nataša Kne graduated from philosophy at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana.
She is employed as a coordinator of international matura (final exam) and
a teacher of philosophy at the Gymnasium Kranj. Previously, she worked as
a journalist and editor in various media. She gained experience in Europe-
an projects and worked in the field of public relations. Her main interests
are ontology, ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of art and cosmology.
Maruša Hauptman Komotar je doktorska študentka edukacijskih ved na
Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. V doktorski disertaciji se razisko-
Senior lecturer Dr. Barbara Horvat, has been employed at the Faculty of
Education of the University of Primorska as an assistant of pedagogy since
2010. Before that, she was employed at the Vodmat Primary School in Lju-
bljana. She investigates the learning space, learning methods and activity,
and the connection of values in education over time.
Damir Josipovič je socialni geograf in demograf. Diplomiral, magistriral in
doktoriral je na Filozofski fakulteti, Oddelek za geografijo, Univerza v Lju-
bljani. Njegovi glavni raziskovalni interesi segajo od socialne in humane
geografije do demografskih študij. Bolj specifično gre za interdisciplinarne
in meddisciplinarne teme, kot so migracije, meje, trg dela, socio-ekonom-
ski razvoj in izobraževanje ter metodološka vprašanja in podatkovne ana-
lize. Je avtor ali soavtor več kot sedemdesetih originalnih znanstvenih del
in sedmih znanstvenih monografij. Zaposlen je kot višji znanstveni sodela-
vec na Inštitutu za narodnostna vprašanja.
Damir Josipovič is a social geographer and demographer. His main research
interests cover a variety of topics within social and human geography and
its cross-disciplinary aspects (migration, boundaries, labour market, socio-
-economic development and education, research methodology, data analy-
ses etc.). He has insofar authored or co-authored more than seventy origi-
nal papers and seven scientific monographs. He works as a senior scientific
associate at the Institute for Ethnic Studies.
Nataša Kne je diplomirala iz filozofije na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Na
Gimnaziji Kranj je zaposlena kot koordinatorica mednarodne mature in
učiteljica filozofije. Pred tem je delovala kot novinarka in urednica v različ-
nih medijih. Izkušnje je nabirala pri evropskih projektih in delovala na po-
dročju odnosov z javnostmi. Zanimajo jo ontologija, etika, politična filozo-
fija, filozofija umetnosti in kozmologija.
Nataša Kne graduated from philosophy at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana.
She is employed as a coordinator of international matura (final exam) and
a teacher of philosophy at the Gymnasium Kranj. Previously, she worked as
a journalist and editor in various media. She gained experience in Europe-
an projects and worked in the field of public relations. Her main interests
are ontology, ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of art and cosmology.
Maruša Hauptman Komotar je doktorska študentka edukacijskih ved na
Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. V doktorski disertaciji se razisko-