Page 294 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 294
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
bej skrb za oblikovanje meril za ocenjevanje glasbenih predmetov. V letih
od 2007 do 2009 je bil vodja skupine za kakovost na Zavodu RS za šolstvo.
Dimitrij Beuermann graduated from the Pedagogical Academy of Ljublja-
na (Music and Choir Teacher), Academy of Music in Ljubljana (Acade-
mic Clarinettist), Master of Arts at Manchester Metropolitan University in
Manchester (Master of Educational Management), and PhD at the Faculty
of Philosophy in Ljubljana (Doctor of Psychology). Since 1995, he has been
employed at the Institute of Education of the Republic of Slovenia as head
of the sectoral group for music education, and since 1997, he has been wor-
king with the State Examination Centre as the main assessor for the Matu-
ra Music subject. Prior to that, he worked as a member of the orchestra and
was a teacher and principal at music school. His field of work is the prepa-
ration of curricula for music schools in Slovenia, and especially care for the
design of criteria for the assessment of musical subjects. From 2007 to 2009,
he was the head of the quality group at the Institute of Education of the Re-
public of Slovenia.
Prof. dr. Majda Cencič je od leta 2005 je zaposlena le na Univerzi na Pri-
morskem, Pedagoški fakulteti v Kopru, pred tem pa je delala tudi na Uni-
verzi v Ljubljani, Pedagoški fakulteti. Ukvarja se z različnimi temami, od
slovenske šolske zgodovine, pedagoške metodologije, ocenjevanja, kakovo-
sti, reflektivnega pouka, podjetnostnih kompetenc na področju šolstva, do
učnega okolja, zlasti fizičnega ali grajenega učnega okolja ter z vodenjem
vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov ter z inovativnostjo in ustvarjalnostjo uči-
Since 2005 prof. dr. Majda Cencič has been employed at the University of
Primorska's Faculty of Education in Koper. Before that, she worked at the
Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana. She deals with various
subjects, from the history of schooling in Slovenia, education methodolo-
gies, assessment, quality, reflective teaching, entrepreneurial competences
related to education to learning environments, especially physical or built
learning environments and with managing education facilities as well as
innovation and creativity of teachers.
Viš. pred. dr. Barbara Horvat je od leta 2010 zaposlena na Pedagoški fakul-
teti Univerze na Primorskem kot asistentka za pedagogiko. Pred tem je bila
zaposlena na Osnovni šoli Vodmat v Ljubljani. Raziskuje učni prostor, učne
metode in aktivnost ter povezanost vrednot v vzgoji s časom.
bej skrb za oblikovanje meril za ocenjevanje glasbenih predmetov. V letih
od 2007 do 2009 je bil vodja skupine za kakovost na Zavodu RS za šolstvo.
Dimitrij Beuermann graduated from the Pedagogical Academy of Ljublja-
na (Music and Choir Teacher), Academy of Music in Ljubljana (Acade-
mic Clarinettist), Master of Arts at Manchester Metropolitan University in
Manchester (Master of Educational Management), and PhD at the Faculty
of Philosophy in Ljubljana (Doctor of Psychology). Since 1995, he has been
employed at the Institute of Education of the Republic of Slovenia as head
of the sectoral group for music education, and since 1997, he has been wor-
king with the State Examination Centre as the main assessor for the Matu-
ra Music subject. Prior to that, he worked as a member of the orchestra and
was a teacher and principal at music school. His field of work is the prepa-
ration of curricula for music schools in Slovenia, and especially care for the
design of criteria for the assessment of musical subjects. From 2007 to 2009,
he was the head of the quality group at the Institute of Education of the Re-
public of Slovenia.
Prof. dr. Majda Cencič je od leta 2005 je zaposlena le na Univerzi na Pri-
morskem, Pedagoški fakulteti v Kopru, pred tem pa je delala tudi na Uni-
verzi v Ljubljani, Pedagoški fakulteti. Ukvarja se z različnimi temami, od
slovenske šolske zgodovine, pedagoške metodologije, ocenjevanja, kakovo-
sti, reflektivnega pouka, podjetnostnih kompetenc na področju šolstva, do
učnega okolja, zlasti fizičnega ali grajenega učnega okolja ter z vodenjem
vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov ter z inovativnostjo in ustvarjalnostjo uči-
Since 2005 prof. dr. Majda Cencič has been employed at the University of
Primorska's Faculty of Education in Koper. Before that, she worked at the
Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana. She deals with various
subjects, from the history of schooling in Slovenia, education methodolo-
gies, assessment, quality, reflective teaching, entrepreneurial competences
related to education to learning environments, especially physical or built
learning environments and with managing education facilities as well as
innovation and creativity of teachers.
Viš. pred. dr. Barbara Horvat je od leta 2010 zaposlena na Pedagoški fakul-
teti Univerze na Primorskem kot asistentka za pedagogiko. Pred tem je bila
zaposlena na Osnovni šoli Vodmat v Ljubljani. Raziskuje učni prostor, učne
metode in aktivnost ter povezanost vrednot v vzgoji s časom.