Page 296 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 296
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
valno ukvarja s primerjalno analizo internacionalizacije in zagotavljanja
kakovosti v slovenskem in nizozemskem visokem šolstvu v »predbolonj-
skem« obdobju in v kontekstu bolonjskega procesa. Univerzitetni študij pe-
dagogike in sociologije je zaključila na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Lju-
Maruša Hauptman Komotar is a doctoral student of Educational Sciences
at Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana. Research in her doctoral
dissertation is focused on comparative analysis of internationalisation and
quality assurance in Slovenian and Dutch higher education in »pre-Bolo-
gna« and Bologna process phase. She completed university studies of Edu-
cational Sciences and Sociology at Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.
Lea Kozel je zaključila doktorski študijski program Edukacije vede v Ko-
pru leta 2016. Trenutno je za nedoločen čas zaposlena na Osnovni šoli An-
tona Ukmarja Koper, kjer poučuje v četrtem razredu. Vzporedno že vrsto
let dopolnilno dela na področju Didaktike in metodike matematike na Pe-
dagoški fakulteti Koper pri prof. dr. Mari Cotič, kjer z izvajanjem hospitacij
in nastopov za študente, spremljanjem in vodenjem le-teh med pedagoško
prakso ter mentorstvom pri diplomskih nalogah prenaša svoje teoretično
znanje in predvsem izkušnje iz prakse na študente – bodoče pedagoške de-
lavce. Rezultate svojega dela objavlja v domačih in tujih priznanih publika-
cijah, ki se ukvarjajo z vzgojo in izobraževanjem osnovnošolskih otrok ter
z izobraževanjem in usposabljanjem bodočega pedagoškega kadra. Doslej
je s prispevki sodelovala na domačih in mednarodnih simpozijih.
Lea Kozel has finished doctoral studies program Education Sciences in
2016. Currently, she is permanently employed at the Anton Ukmar Koper
Elementary School, where she teaches in the fourth grade. Parallel, she has
been working additionally in the field of Didactics and Methodology of
Mathematics at the Faculty of Education in Koper at the Prof. Dr. Mara
Cotič, where she transfers her theoretical knowledge and mostly experien-
ces to students – future educational workers by performing hospitation and
presentations for students, by following and leading students during their
study practice, and by mentorship at their bachelor’s theses. She publishes
the results of her studies in domestic and foreign distinguished publicati-
ons which deal with the education of the elementary school children and
training of the future educational personnel. So far, she has participated in
the domestic and international symposia by her contributions.
valno ukvarja s primerjalno analizo internacionalizacije in zagotavljanja
kakovosti v slovenskem in nizozemskem visokem šolstvu v »predbolonj-
skem« obdobju in v kontekstu bolonjskega procesa. Univerzitetni študij pe-
dagogike in sociologije je zaključila na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Lju-
Maruša Hauptman Komotar is a doctoral student of Educational Sciences
at Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana. Research in her doctoral
dissertation is focused on comparative analysis of internationalisation and
quality assurance in Slovenian and Dutch higher education in »pre-Bolo-
gna« and Bologna process phase. She completed university studies of Edu-
cational Sciences and Sociology at Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.
Lea Kozel je zaključila doktorski študijski program Edukacije vede v Ko-
pru leta 2016. Trenutno je za nedoločen čas zaposlena na Osnovni šoli An-
tona Ukmarja Koper, kjer poučuje v četrtem razredu. Vzporedno že vrsto
let dopolnilno dela na področju Didaktike in metodike matematike na Pe-
dagoški fakulteti Koper pri prof. dr. Mari Cotič, kjer z izvajanjem hospitacij
in nastopov za študente, spremljanjem in vodenjem le-teh med pedagoško
prakso ter mentorstvom pri diplomskih nalogah prenaša svoje teoretično
znanje in predvsem izkušnje iz prakse na študente – bodoče pedagoške de-
lavce. Rezultate svojega dela objavlja v domačih in tujih priznanih publika-
cijah, ki se ukvarjajo z vzgojo in izobraževanjem osnovnošolskih otrok ter
z izobraževanjem in usposabljanjem bodočega pedagoškega kadra. Doslej
je s prispevki sodelovala na domačih in mednarodnih simpozijih.
Lea Kozel has finished doctoral studies program Education Sciences in
2016. Currently, she is permanently employed at the Anton Ukmar Koper
Elementary School, where she teaches in the fourth grade. Parallel, she has
been working additionally in the field of Didactics and Methodology of
Mathematics at the Faculty of Education in Koper at the Prof. Dr. Mara
Cotič, where she transfers her theoretical knowledge and mostly experien-
ces to students – future educational workers by performing hospitation and
presentations for students, by following and leading students during their
study practice, and by mentorship at their bachelor’s theses. She publishes
the results of her studies in domestic and foreign distinguished publicati-
ons which deal with the education of the elementary school children and
training of the future educational personnel. So far, she has participated in
the domestic and international symposia by her contributions.