Page 148 - Puklek Levpušček, Melita, in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič, ur. Motivacijski dejavniki v izobraževanju mladine in odraslih. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2013. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 5
P. 148
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ons to depressive symptoms. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 657–668.
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Master of one‘s psychological domain? Not likely if one‘s self-esteem is unstable. Per-
sonality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26, 1297–1305.
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Krapp, A. (1998). Interest, motivation and learning: An educational-psychological per-
spective. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 14, 23–40.
Mahyuddin, R., Elias, H. in Noordin, N. (2009). Emotional intelligence, achievement
motivation and academic achievement among students of the public and private hig-
her institutions. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communiti-
es and Nations, 9 (4), 135–144.
Markus, H. R. in Kunda, Z. (1986). Stability and malleability of the self-concept. Jour-
nal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 858–866.
Marsh, H. W., Owens, L., Myers, M. R. in Smith, I. D. (1989). The transition from sin-
ge-sex to co-educational high schools: Teacher perceptions, academic achievement,
and self-concept. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 59, 155–173.
tical issue for 21st century. Review of Educational Research, 70 (2), 151–179.
Ilardi, B. C., Leone, D., Kasser, T. in Ryan, R. M. (1993). Employee and supervisor ratin-
gs of motivation: Main effects and discrepancies associated with job satisfaction and
adjustment in a factory setting. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 1789–1805.
Kernis, M. H. in Goldman, B. M. (2005). Stability and variability in self-concept and
self-esteem. V M. R. Leary in J. P. Tangney (ur.), Handbook of Self and Identity (str.
106–127). New York: The Guilford Press.
Kernis, M. H. in Paradise, A. W. (2002). Differentiating between fragile and secure
forms of high self-esteem. V E. L. Deci in R. M. Ryan (ur.), Handbook of self-determi-
nation research (str. 339–360). Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
Kernis, M. H., Whisenhunt, C. R., Waschull, S. B., Greenier, K. D., Berry, A. J., Herloc-
ker, C. E. in Anderson, C. A. (1998). Multiple facets of self-esteem and their relati-
ons to depressive symptoms. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 657–668.
Kernis, M. H., Paradise, A. W., Whitaker, D., Wheatman, S. in Goldman, B. (2000).
Master of one‘s psychological domain? Not likely if one‘s self-esteem is unstable. Per-
sonality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26, 1297–1305.
Kobal, D. (2000). Temeljni vidiki samopodobe. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
Kobal Grum, D. in Avsec, A. (2007). Samospoštovanje. V A. Avsec (ur.), Psihodiagnosti-
ka osebnosti (str. 93–120). Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za psihologijo.
Kobal Grum, D., Kolenc, J., Žalec, B. in Lebarič, N. (2005). Sodobni pristopi k motivaciji
in tekmovalnosti v modelih samopodobe: medkulturna študija: zaključno poročilo o re-
zultatih raziskovalnega projekta. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
Krapp, A. (1998). Interest, motivation and learning: An educational-psychological per-
spective. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 14, 23–40.
Mahyuddin, R., Elias, H. in Noordin, N. (2009). Emotional intelligence, achievement
motivation and academic achievement among students of the public and private hig-
her institutions. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communiti-
es and Nations, 9 (4), 135–144.
Markus, H. R. in Kunda, Z. (1986). Stability and malleability of the self-concept. Jour-
nal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 858–866.
Marsh, H. W., Owens, L., Myers, M. R. in Smith, I. D. (1989). The transition from sin-
ge-sex to co-educational high schools: Teacher perceptions, academic achievement,
and self-concept. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 59, 155–173.