Page 128 - Polona Kelava, Neformalno učenje? Kaj je to? Dissertationes 24, Digitalna knjižnica, Pedagoški inštitut 2013
P. 128
Neformalno učenje? Kaj je to?


Anti-intellectualism, firmly strengthened in the frames of neoliberal paradigm (as
its integral, structurally exigent aspect), is by no means a new phenomenon; it has
been known for quite a long time that anti-intellectualism with its more or less sub-
tle and deeply naturalized practices reaches into all areas of life, imperceptibly but
decisively designating them with its imperative of normative knowledge and with
its persistence on the spontaneous un-thought. In spite of all that its structural qua-
lities and its generic characteristics remain relatively weakly exposed. Since the ba-
sic study of Richard Hofstadter (Anti-intellectualism in American Life, New York,
1963), which designates the relationship between anti-intellectualism and democra-
cy, and at a later time the texts of some other researchers (such as Lindenberg, Bour-
dieu, Sapiro, Duclert, Balmand), which tackle the phenomenon in different ways, an
interest in anti-intellectual mechanisms and procedures has risen on the internatio-
nal level in recent years. However, in the Slovenian social space there are still no vi-
sible or penetrating studies on anti-intellectualism which would hull the phenome-
non and present its agency in the particular Central-European and socio-historical
context. In the article, the birth circumstances of a modern »intellectual« in the re-
lationship with an »anti-intellectual« will firstly be presented, followed by a short
history of the research on anti-intellectualism and an indication of its narrow alli-
ance with neoliberalism. And finally, it will be shown in what way critical pedagogy
with its stress on reflexivity and with its consideration in non-formally and especially
in informally acquired knowledge, but also with insistence on mutual conditioning
between praxis and theory, efficiently undermines the anti-intellectual procedures.
Key words: education, formal, non-formal and informal knowledge, anti-intellectu-
alism, critical pedagogy

»The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through
our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that
‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge‘.«
»Pritisk antiintelektualizma je nenehna grožnja, ki se vije skozi naše politič-
no in kulturno življenje, hraneč se z zmotnim pojmovanjem, da demokraci-
ja pomeni ‘moja nevednost je enako dobra kakor tvoje znanje‘.«

Isaac Asimov. A Cult of Ignorance. V: Newsweek, 21. januar 1980, 19.

Kratka misel Isaaca Asimova (1920–1992), ki uvaja pričujoči čla-
nek, je vpeta v širši okvir post-razsvetljenske racionalistične mi-
sli, nanašajoče se na kognitivno (spoznavno) pridobivanje znanj
in na državljanske razsežnosti izobraževanja. V zadnjem desetletju so si
debate o metodah in učinkih izobraževanja v širšem družbenem okviru
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