Page 16 - Tatjana Vonta in sodelavke (ur.), Dejavnosti za predšolske otroke s poudarkom na spoznavanju matematičnih in naravoslovnih konceptov, Digitalna knjižnica, Compendia 2
P. 16
pter 7: Open air activities
Chapter 8: Center for construction activities
Chapter 9: Center for music activities
The activities presented in the guidebook enable sensible, active learning and offer opportunities
for connecting different fields. Most of the described means can be made by preschool teachers
and children or family members from natural and waste material. In this way, the goals of protect-
ing and caring for the environment, which are becoming more and more important, are being met.
Each activity is described on a separate page and defined according to its purpose or goals, required
material (if needed), the course of the activity, the role of adults and possibilities for the inclusion
of families. Besides sensibly placing the activity into the educational process and adjusting it to the
process (according to the needs and interests of children or a group and according to goals that
were set in advance) adults mainly: prepare the room and learning material, organize the form of
work (individual work, work in pairs, work in smaller groups), demonstrate and lead the activity,
monitor children and their responses, enable different choices, include parents into the education-
al process and analyze and reflect on the realized activities.
At each activity, we especially focused on active participation of families and have therefore given
some suggestions for an active participation of families in the educational process.
Finally, each activity offers ideas for further development and improvement. This should show ed-
ucators that there are different ways of implementing activities and stimulate them to look for new
ideas. Our beliefs about the necessity of this guidebook are based on our long-term and intensive
experiences with the education of preschool teachers. They often point out the wish to be informed
about the latest scientific findings and the need for a presentation and exchange of practical exam-
ples. With the publishing of the guidebook, all preschools in Slovenia will be asked to write down
their ideas and practical examples according to specific criteria and to forward them to us. Their
ideas will be professionally revised, reorganized and given to preschool teachers. We believe that
there are many mathematically and scientifically aware preschool teachers, with lots of creative ide-
as, which we would like to introduce in all Slovene preschools and thereby enrich children’s expe-
riences in this fields.

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