Page 200 - Tatjana Vonta, Organizirana predšolska vzgoja v izzivih družbenih sprememb, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 8
P. 200
Organizirana predšolska vzgoja v izzivih družbenih sprememb
Andersson, Bengt-Erik, Effects of day care on cognitive and socio-emoti-
onal competence in thirteen years old Swedish schoolchildren. Child
Development 63 (1992), 20 – 36.
Andersson, B.-E., Effects of public day care: a longitudinal study. Child
Development 60 (1989), 857–866.
Association for supervision and curriculum development, Promoting so-
cial and emotional learning: Guidelines for educators. Author, Alexan-
dria, VA 1997.
Barth, Roland S., Improving Schools from Within. Teachers, parents, and prin-
cipals can make the difference. Jossey-Bass Publisher, San Francisco 2000.
Bečaj, Janez, Doseganje popolne kakovosti – cilj za naslednjo petletko? V:
Kakovost preduniverzitetnega izobraževanja, Zbornik posveta. Ur. B.
Marentič Požarnik in drugi. Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, Lju-
bljana 1996.
Belsky, Jay, Two waves of day care research: Developmental effects and
condition of quality. V: The child and day care setting. Ur. Ainskie. Pra-
eger, New York 1984.
Belsky, J., The »effects« of infant day care reconsidered. Early Childhood
Research Quarterly 3 (1988), 235–272.
Bennett, John, Early Childhood Services in the OECD Countries. Innocenti
working paper. UNICEF, Innocenti Research Centre 2008.
Bennett, J., Public policy in Early Childhood in Europe. 6 challenges for the
coming years. Uvodni referat na EECERA Conference. Stavanger sep-
tember 2008, 3–6.
Bergant, Milica, Teme iz pedagoške sociologije. Cankarjeva založba, Ljublja-
na 1970.
Berger, Eugenia Hepworth, Parents as Partners in Education. Families and
schools working together. Merill, Prentice Hall 2000.
Berk, Laura E., Winsler, Adam, Scaffolding Children’s learning: Vygotsky
and Early Childhood Education. NAEYC, 1995.
Berrueta-Clement, John R., Schweinhart, John R., Barnett, William Ste-
ven, Epstein, Ann S., Weikart, David P., Changed Lives: the effects if the
Perry Preschool Programme on youths through age 19. The High/Scope
Press, Ypsilanti, Michigan 1984.
Bloom, Benjamin S., Stability and change in human characteristics. Wiley
and Sons, New York 1964.
Andersson, Bengt-Erik, Effects of day care on cognitive and socio-emoti-
onal competence in thirteen years old Swedish schoolchildren. Child
Development 63 (1992), 20 – 36.
Andersson, B.-E., Effects of public day care: a longitudinal study. Child
Development 60 (1989), 857–866.
Association for supervision and curriculum development, Promoting so-
cial and emotional learning: Guidelines for educators. Author, Alexan-
dria, VA 1997.
Barth, Roland S., Improving Schools from Within. Teachers, parents, and prin-
cipals can make the difference. Jossey-Bass Publisher, San Francisco 2000.
Bečaj, Janez, Doseganje popolne kakovosti – cilj za naslednjo petletko? V:
Kakovost preduniverzitetnega izobraževanja, Zbornik posveta. Ur. B.
Marentič Požarnik in drugi. Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, Lju-
bljana 1996.
Belsky, Jay, Two waves of day care research: Developmental effects and
condition of quality. V: The child and day care setting. Ur. Ainskie. Pra-
eger, New York 1984.
Belsky, J., The »effects« of infant day care reconsidered. Early Childhood
Research Quarterly 3 (1988), 235–272.
Bennett, John, Early Childhood Services in the OECD Countries. Innocenti
working paper. UNICEF, Innocenti Research Centre 2008.
Bennett, J., Public policy in Early Childhood in Europe. 6 challenges for the
coming years. Uvodni referat na EECERA Conference. Stavanger sep-
tember 2008, 3–6.
Bergant, Milica, Teme iz pedagoške sociologije. Cankarjeva založba, Ljublja-
na 1970.
Berger, Eugenia Hepworth, Parents as Partners in Education. Families and
schools working together. Merill, Prentice Hall 2000.
Berk, Laura E., Winsler, Adam, Scaffolding Children’s learning: Vygotsky
and Early Childhood Education. NAEYC, 1995.
Berrueta-Clement, John R., Schweinhart, John R., Barnett, William Ste-
ven, Epstein, Ann S., Weikart, David P., Changed Lives: the effects if the
Perry Preschool Programme on youths through age 19. The High/Scope
Press, Ypsilanti, Michigan 1984.
Bloom, Benjamin S., Stability and change in human characteristics. Wiley
and Sons, New York 1964.