Page 195 - Tatjana Vonta, Organizirana predšolska vzgoja v izzivih družbenih sprememb, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 8
P. 195
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According to the findings of scientists, the human species has start-
ed developing two hundred thousand years ago and has reached
the era of agricultural revolution approximately ten thousand years ago.
During the last two hundred years, humans have evolved from agricul-
tural-tradesman’s society into industrial and modern information society.
This shows that mankind has always been subject to certain changes, which
took place sooner or later, however, never as fast as in the last two hundred
years. It seems that the process of changing is increasing. The modern man
has to face more and more challenges, which are caused by rapid scientif-
ic and technological development, by changing production, economy and
marketing, as well as by political changes influenced by a large growth of
the world’s population, the aging of population, processes of migration,
climate changes and a limited amount of energy, water and food, all neces-
sary for our survival, and last but not least by mutual global economic de-
pendency. All this directly influences the changing expectations towards
education from the aspect of systematic solutions, goals and processes.

During the last 200 years, rapid changes and new challenges have also
taken place in the field of preschool education. The gathered material gives
an insight into the development of organized preschool education and into
the development of educational ideas that have supported preschool edu-
cation from it’s beginnings until today. The concept of organized preschool
education includes all forms of educational efforts, which take place out-
side a child’s home. In only 200 years, from its beginnings until today,
this activity has gone through different periods that reflect social condi-
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